Friday, August 30, 2013

Change YOUR life. Take the leap you will be thankful for.

Coach Apprenticeship!!!

September 9th I will be starting coach apprenticeship

 that will not only HELP YOU get into the best shape

 and health of your life, but also teach you how to 

TEACH others how to do the same! 

It may be nerve racking and hard to want to commit fully because work, kids, money, family. Trust me I thought the same thing when I was thinking about starting, but I am only sharing this and committing myself to teaching you because I AM DOING IT! and I AM LOVING IT. I not only can work from home now, but I am teaching our kids how to eat healthy while they are young so it is engraved in their mind, body, and souls.
If you want the same for your family or yourself message me, comment, 'like' and check out the rest of my blog. I would love to answer ANY and ALL questions you might have about this post or other healthy lifestyle questions! 

You may be wondering what exactly an apprenticeship is?

I will be teaching you step by step, what you need to do to change your life, get into the best shape of your life, how to eat right, and how to help others do the same. I will help you learn the business of being a coach and help you grow your business. Together, we can help end the trend of obesity!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thirsty Thursday

Do you ever want to just put down sugary, calorie filled drinks, but don't know what you will be able to drink after you do so? I have been looking High and Low to find some All-Natural, and LOW calorie drinks that will help you enjoy your life, AND your weekend.

All-Natural ZERO calorie Drinks:

Honest Tea Just Black Tea or Just Green Tea
These perfectly balanced brews will make you appreciate the subtle flavors in unsweetened teas.  They also have a line of “just a tad sweet” drinks. Honest Tea is one of my FAVORITE drinks, I do not necessarily enjoy the plain ones all the time, but there are many other flavors that are great and low in calories. Visit Honest Tea to check out what they have! 

Hint Essence Water
Try these 10 delicious varieties of zero calorie waters, including creative flavors like cucumber, honeydew-hibiscus, and pear. I have never tried Hint Water, but after being on there website I would really like to! Visit Hint Essence Water, to see what they are about!
Starbucks Iced Tea
Starbucks iced teas are perfect no-calorie options. You can get any tea flavor iced at Starbucks if you’re willing to wait for it to be brewed. Try the minty Refresh tea, tongue-tingling Passion or their peppery Chai. Buy their tea fliterbags and keep a pitcher of this treat in your fridge at all times. I LOVE Starbucks tea, My sister got me hooked on them, she works there so I would always get free coffee and tea from her! If you have never tried them, you need too! Again, if you are like me and like to switch it up a little, I HIGHLY recommend the refreshers! They are very low in calories and will brighten up your day. I think they also have the packets so you can make them at home too! Visit Starbucks to see what they have!

You need to be drinking so much water a day, here is a chart that will help you determine how much you need, and a cool idea that will help you stay drinking the water all day! 

Are you looking for information on Alcoholic beverages? Visit get drunk not fat! it has every drink you could ever think of and all the information you need to know about it. 

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Workout Wednesday

Did you see Miley Cyrus on the VMA's? Would you rather have her Butt or Lady Gagas? 

Take a look and decide for yourself!

 What makes Brazil Butt Lift® so effective?

Leandro Carvalho's exclusive TriAngle Training method works all three major muscles of your buttocks. Work out with him and you'll have fun getting bikini-ready with Brazilian dance, cardio, and body sculpting moves!
Forget bulky thighs. Leandro's PROVEN TriAngle Training method works the three major muscles of the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus—from countless angles.
It's Leandro's unique angles that enable you to focus on the "heads" of your muscles (where they attach to your pelvic bone and hamstrings) for the sexiest results. This is why Brazil Butt Lift helps shape, lift, and firm your booty like no other workout!

There are different kits to choose from, but here is the base one. 



  1. 6-Day Supermodel Slimdown Plan.
    Jump-start your results.
  2. Strength Band.
    Add resistance to accelerate booty firming.
  3. Bum Bum Rapido Workout.
    Short on time? Lift your butt—fast. (10 minutes)
Shape, lift, and firm your booty in just 60 days with Leandro Carvalho's Brazil Butt Lift Workout. The world's top supermodels work out with the Brazilian Butt Master, and now you can too.


  1. Basics. Learn Leandro's butt-lifting moves and techniques. (20 minutes)
  2. Bum Bum. Sculpt your butt and blast fat with lower body moves. (35 minutes)
  3. High & Tight. Take your butt to new heights! (35 minutes)
  4. Sculpt. Tighten and tone your muscles from head to toe. (50 minutes)
  5. Cardio Axe. Dance away fat with this cardio-blasting workout. (30 minutes)
  6. Tummy Tuck. Get flat, sexy abs in no time! (20 minutes)


  1. Booty Makeover Guide. Determine your butt type and workout strategy.
  2. Booty Makeover Calendar. Schedule workouts for lifting YOUR butt type.
  3. Fat-Burning Food Guide. Slim down with this easy-to-follow meal plan.
  4. TriAngle Training Workout Cards. Use them to work out on the go.
  5. Measurement Tracker Card and Tape Measure. Track your sexy progress.
You also get FREE online support and can join a challenge group to have extra support from like minded individuals!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!

Here is an AMAZING Beachbody Transformation!

This is Maygan W. She is currently a Beachbody coach, lost 64.2 lbs, 8.5 inches off of her waist, AND was a Beachbody Challenge winner!!

         Maygan W.Lost 64.2 lbs and 8.5" off her waist!
I knew my husband and I would be married soon. So I wanted to look my best for our wedding. I wasn't sure if I would be successful or not, but it was worth a try . . . I've lost a total of 65 lbs and 6 pant sizes with Beachbody Programs. I look better than I did in high school and I feel absolutely AMAZING!
What Maygan W. won: $1,000

Age: 22
Gender: Female
State: Kansas
Primary Program: TurboFire®

Supplement: Shakeology®, Whey Protein Powder, P90X® Results and Recovery Formula! 

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? *

Before I started to exercise, I was driving an 2 hours everyday to take college classes. I started to notice I was gaining weight but ignored it. Then all I would wore were sweatpants and big tee shirts. I noticed I no longer allowed anyone to photograph me. I began to get depressed. I was going to college to become a nurse. My now husband and I were in a serious relationship, but I found myself getting jealous when a thin, good looking girl would talk to him. It seemed to hit me all at once. I was no longer that skinny, good looking girl I used to be when we started dating. I hated what I had become. An overweight, sedentary person who focused all my time and energy into my studies. As a nursing student, I was learning what being overweight does to people, yet I was overweight. It was time for a change.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey? *Before I began my weight loss journey, I would complain openly about how fat I'd become. One day my best friends mother, a yoga and zumba instructor, informed me that no one could change my body but me. I thought long and hard about those words. I also began to think about my career choice. I knew I'd eventually have to give someone the dreaded news of their need to lose weight to be healthy. How hypocritical for an overweight nurse to tell another overweight person to lose weight! I also knew my husband and I would be married soon, so I wanted to look my best for our wedding. I wasn't sure if I would be successful or not, but it was worth a try.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of? *I've lost a total of 65 lbs and 6 pant sizes with Beachbody Programs. I look better than I did in high school and I feel absolutely AMAZING! My confidence is through the roof and I feel as if anything is possible! I've become a beachbody coach to help others achieve their fitness goals and find their confidence as well.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program? *I have so much more energy. I'm active everyday. I've been able to help others begin to head after their goals by becoming a coach! I've felt AMAZING since I've lost all that weight! My family and friends can see my confidence and happiness! I am a Beachbody coach now, aiming to help others. People ask me all the time how I've lost my weight and how I've maintained my weight loss. I enjoy telling others about my weight loss. I am a nurse and I work 12 hour shifts, I can sprint up and down the halls in emergency situations without a problem and I can get my job done with ease. I can keep up with the physical demands with ease!
For more about Maygan visit....

Do you want results like Maygan!? Although I was not her coach, I can help you! Turbofire is only on sale for a few more days! Get it while you can! New Challenge starting Sept. 9th!!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Monday, August 26, 2013

Coach Apprenticeship!!!

September 9th I will be starting a coach apprenticeship that will not only HELP YOU get into the best shape and health of your life, but also teach you how to TEACH others how to do the same! 
It may be nerve racking and hard to want to commit fully because work, kids, money, family. Trust me I thought the same thing when I was thinking about starting, but I am only sharing this and committing myself to teaching you because I AM DOING IT! and I AM LOVING IT. I not only can work from home now, but I am teaching our kids how to eat healthy while they are young so it is engraved in their mind, body, and souls.

 If you want the same for your family or yourself message me, comment, 'like' and check out the rest of my blog. I would love to answer ANY and ALL questions you might have about this post or other healthy lifestyle questions! 

Spots are limited!

Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski
Call or Text : 651-503-7823

Motivation Monday!

Did you fall off the wagon a little bit this summer? Well now is the time to get back on and join the team! Fall is coming and we know what follows QUICKLY after fall, holidays, lots of them! We have Big holidays and little ones from Halloween to Valentines day, to Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

I remember EVER New Years Eve, year after year, my resolution, is to lose weight or get in shape, or even get healthier. I would start out strong, but after about 3 weeks in I would fall off or get lazy. Well, now that I have been doing it and successful at it for about 4 months, and I didn't do it from a New Years resolution this time, I did it for me. I feel confident in the idea of GETTING IT STARTED before THE HOLIDAYS and being successful so you can reach your goal weight, measurement, or you FEEL GOOD body BY New years!  SO you can wear that little black dress out ON New Years! You can walk into your family Christmas party and get all the compliments you have ever wanted. You can change YOUR life, AND others lives because you motivated them to do it too! 

SO, now that it is MONDAY, a new day, a new week, a fresh start. Are you committed?

Here are 5 SIMPLE things to do that will help you more than you thought!

1. Set your goals

2. Drink WATER, a lot more than you do!

3. Join a friend, or a challenge group so you have an accountability partner.

4. Share your goals, with your family, your friends, and even on your FB. This will help you stick to it.

5. Set your schedule! Workout at the SAME time everyday. Eat your meals at the same time everyday, eat snacks at the same time everyday! 


Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Only through the end of August! And I will be starting another challenge coming up!! :) Contact me for details! 

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Monday, August 19, 2013

Vacation, School, Health, Be back soon!

Hello all!

I want to let you know that I have been gone for the last 10 days on a family vacation. I am also starting a new semester of school this week. I will start up posting again Monday Aug. 26th!

I will also post about my vacation and will be adding a new topic and day!!! :) 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Workout Wednesday!!! Shake the weight off!!!

August Promotions are on FIRE!!!! I have 3 challenge packs on sale and for HOT HOT HOT prices. 

What you get with Body BEAST....
Pack on up to 20 pounds of muscle in 90 days with Body Beast. Created by world-class trainer and former "Mr. Israel," Sagi Kalev, this proven growth-inducing program includes 12 extreme workout DVDs, plus valuable fitness tools to help you get healthy, increase your confidence, lose fat, and give you the physique of a bodybuilding champion.
  • The  program
  • Nutrition Guide
  • Shakeology, which is the healthiest meal of the day. It provides you, you daily dose of dense nutrition in one shake.
  • Workout schedule
  •  Free online support 
  • Free coaching 
  • Free goodie bag

Both challenge packs are ONLY $160.00

What comes with TurboFire.........
  • The  program
  • Nutrition Guide
  • Shakeology, which is the healthiest meal of the day. It provides you, you daily dose of dense nutrition in one shake.
  • Workout schedule
  •  Free online support 
  • Free coaching 
  • Free goodie bag

AND Focus T25 is BACK on Sale for the low price of $180.00 for the rest of August!
You get the workout program Focus T25 which comes with...
-9 DVD's 
-one special EXTRA DVD
-Strenght band
-Nutrition Guide
-Workout schedule
-Shakeology, which is the healthiest meal of the day. It provides you, you daily dose of dense nutrition in one shake. 
- Free online support
-Free coaching (from 2 coaches in this challenge!)
-Free goodie bag

Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

How to Transform YOU!

Food rules Make these changes to your diet to lose weight and get a flat tummy fast!
1. Cut the C.R.A.P: Avoid the four main food groups that cause fat to cling to our bodies: caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods.
2. But allow yourself a weekly cheat meal. Once a week, enjoy an indulgent meal of whatever you fancy, from creamy pasta to a slice of chocolate cake with cream. Make sure you are still using portion control though!! As long as you're eating clean, healthy food the rest of the time, an occasional high-fat treat actually speeds up your metabolism.
3. Always have breakfast: Eat within one hour of waking up. If you don't have time for a proper breakfast, drink Shakeology, or grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts.
4. Don't eat after 8 pm: Eating a large meal in the evening when your body is slowing down or sleeping is a bad idea for your digestion and weight.

Here are a few more tips to TRANSFORM YOU!

1. Have scrambled egg whites rather than whole eggs.

We don't buy in to the hysteria over whole eggs and cholesterol; in fact, the yoke contains important nutrients. But you can cut calories by omitting the yolk. So instead of eating 3-or-4 whole eggs, try scrambling one whole egg with five egg whites. By doing this, you'll get more quality protein first thing in the morning.
Substituting five egg whites for two whole eggs will reduce your calorie intake by 65 calories and nine grams of fat. This adds up to 455 calories per week.
2. Drink green tea with Stevia rather than gourmet coffee.
If you habitually start your morning with a little treat from Starbucks, reconsider your order. Rather than asking the barista with the headset and Belichick attitude for some sugar-laden coffee swirled with flavored syrup and topped with whipped cream, order green tea sweetened with Stevia.
Depending on the particular coffee you were ordering before, replacing it could slash your calorie intake tremendously. Many of these beverages contain more than 400 calories.
Substituting green tea for a caramel mocha will save 330 calories each day, adding up to almost three pounds lost per month.
4. Do '10' during commercial breaks.
Rather than leaving the couch to rummage through the pantry during a commercial, do ten reps of an exercise. It's the best way for a couch potato to peel off excess instead.
You can do push-upssit-upslungesbodyweight squatslying leg raises or chair dips - whatever you're in the mood for. By the time the show is over, you'll have strengthened some major muscle groups and provided a slight boost to your metabolic rate.
While each set of 10 is likely to burn only 5-10 calories, they will add up. More important, doing these exercises will save you the 200-300 calories that you would have consumed had you found that snack you went searching for.
5. Eat real fruit rather than drinking fruit juice.
If you start your day with a glass of fruit juice alongside your cereal or toast, switch to eating whole fruit. Sure, fruit juice comes from whole fruit, but it lacks fiber and contains too many calories for someone who wants to improve their body composition.
Go for a whole apple, orange or a cup of berries for a good dose of fiber as well as a high amount of vitamins and minerals to promote overall good health.
By swapping a large glass of orange juice with a small orange, you'll save about 80 calories and lose almost one pound per month.
Helping the cause: You feel full longer.
6. Sub a fruit smoothie with a Shakeology Shake.
Fruit smoothies are probably a wiser choice than milkshakes; they are calorie-dense gut bombs. Opt for a Shakeology shake instead. This change will help you meet your daily nutritional requirement, something many people struggle to do.
Plus, if you just mix up one scoop of Shakeology powder with a cup of water, you'll save calories as well. You can even add fruit to these shakes, and they are great for you!
Drinking a Shakeology shake instead of a fruit smoothie will save you 200-300 calories (depending on the smoothie), and will help you consume an additional nutrients your body needs in a day. 
7. Have hot oatmeal rather than shredded wheat.
Many people on a mission to eat healthier choose shredded wheat for their breakfast cereal. While the low sugar content makes it better than Lucky Charms, it's still calorie-dense.
Instead of shredded wheat, try oatmeal. A third of a cup of raw oatmeal will cook to more than one cup in volume and will supply you with just 120 calories per serving. Also, the warmth of the oatmeal tends to be more filling than cold cereal, so you'll also enjoy that benefit when the mercury drops.
Substituting 1/3 cup of raw oatmeal and 1/2 cup of berries for 1 1/2 cups of shredded wheat will save you about 200 calories and will help you lose almost 1/2 pound more each week.
8. Sit on an exercise ball at work.
One last fitness fix is sitting on an exercise ball at work. If you spend eight hours each day in your desk chair, your abs will never need to support your body. Your calorie burn will plummet as a result. Simply sitting on an exercise ball, even for just 30 minute intervals, will help engage those abdominal muscle fibers and tighten your midsection.
If the fatty in marketing pokes fun, explain that this change can also go a long way toward helping prevent lower back pain.
You may not burn many additional calories, but the benefits to on your core strength will be immeasurable.

For more information on this click here, and here.
 Christina D.
Lost 72 lbs. and 8 dress sizes in 120 days!
She said..."It was extremely difficult, but I knew that challenging myself with INSANITY was the only way that I was going to get my body to where I wanted it to be. Now, after having done 2 rounds, I am down over 70 lbs. and have made being healthy a lifestyle, not just something temporary."

Want results like these? Contact me! I can help!

Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski