Sunday, July 20, 2014

Why I took the Beachbody Challenge.

When it comes to losing weight there are so many different reasons why we want it.
I am going to be honest with you, I did want it for the hot body and to be able to wear what ever I wanted, but when I found out it was going to be difficult for my husband and I to have kids my "why" changed.
I wanted it for my HEALTH, and so that it would up our chance of having children. No I was not obese, but yes I was overwieght. I was in the same category as the the rest of the 60% of women who are over weight in america. THAT NUMBER IS CRAZY. That scared me, and it really made me wake up and realize that if I didnt grab ahold of my weight now and turn it around, I might not be able to have kids, and the kids that we have will only do what I do, they will grow up to think its OKAY to eat crappy food, that is terrible for you. I didnt want that for our family.
So I made a change. I took the Beachbody Challenge, I put my trust in my coach and I did it.
I started with TurboFire (90 day challenge) and started to drink Shakeology daily, and lost some weight, and started to get the hang of eating healthy, but then I took the Focus T25 challenge (60 days) along with drinking shakeology daily- sometimes ever 2xs a day because I LOVE THE STUFF, and lost 15 lbs in the first 30 days, and then after that lost another 7 pounds, and that includes the time when our family went on a cruise!! I couldnt believe the changes in my body and the changes in my health, mood, confidence (let me tell you, Jesse loved it ;)), I could go to the mall and actually buy the clothes I wanted to wear! All of a sudden I was the me I wanted to be, I felt GREAT, and I didnt even reach my "GOAL BODY" at this point yet. I continued to do T25, and added Brazil Butt lift to the mix and really took control of my eating- I then lost another 7 pounds.... Then a miracle happened, we got pregnant, and it stuck. !!!
All of this happened because I decided to change my life for the BETTER, and get going on the right path. I know I am not alone, and I know there are others out there like me that have had issues with their weight, and with different things in their life. So now is the time to step up, take control of your life, you ONLY GET ONE.
So if you are in the same boat that I was in, or maybe your in a totally different one, dont be afraid to reach out. I want to help, I want to be the support for you that my coach was for me. Message me today & take the challenge to change your life.
‪#‎EndTheTrend‬ ‪#‎BeachbodyChallenge‬ ‪#‎LoseWeightTheRightWay‬ ‪#‎YOLO‬ ‪#‎ChooseYourChallenge‬ ‪#‎MamasNeedFitnessToo‬

Click here to get more information ------>>> MORE INFO PLEASE!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski