Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How To Lose Weight - After Baby Body: FREE LEGGINGS!

Losing Weight After Baby! Max Out in May!

Ok I need to be honest...

I was never proud of this pic until I got pregnant. Ya see, sometimes when your on a journey with health and fitness you can't actually see the results your getting. Even if you lose inches and the scale moves it's almost as if your blind to how your body actually looks.
These pics were taken 7 days apart. The left is day 1 doing the program Insanity Max:30 and the right is day 7 into the program. In those 7 days (working out to the program- 30 minutes a day, and following the meal guide, along with drinking my Shakeology daily) I lost 6 pounds and 3 inches in my waist. Looking back now... That is freakin amazing! Lol but then I was blind.

So with that being said... Let's celebrate that success I had THIS MONTH! smile emoticon This is one of my absolute favorite programs, yes it's intense but the workouts are short and honestly, QUICK.

So to celebrate- EVERY person that orders Insanity Max:30 Challenge pack Before my DUE DATE: May 10th

Gets a gift!! What's in the gift!?
FREE High Quality Leggings (I'll send you print options! 😍)
& samples of the Performance Line Supplements!! 

Email me at lapinski.steph@gmail.com
or find me on FB and message me!