Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mens Health Month- Shout Out to the HEALTHY Men! And a Bigger Shout Out to the MEN that Choose to BECOME Healthy!

Well this is the MONTH to celebrate all the men out there, HAHA! You wish guys, were actually going to celebrate your health. Unless you’re a father, then well celebrate you- on June 19th! ;)

In all seriousness though do you men know how important it is for you to be healthy?

I personally know many men that *think* that they can eat how they want, drink how they want, sleep how they want, and NEVER have to go to the doctor... AHHHH this just makes me cringe lol Men, you are too hard headed! You need to be healthy for yourself, your women, and your families!

So here are some Rules to live by....
*Go home- work will always be there, don’t stress yourself out, when you need a break- take one!
*Eat fish, it’s a good source of protein, and your body needs those fatty acids and omega3s
*Turn the TV off and go have FUN in the SUN with FRIENDS. You need a social life to continue to expand your brain AND vitamin D is good for you! 
*And for the love of God, get your prostate checked- cancer is NO JOKE!

Here are some AWESOME tips that sent over for me to share and I couldn't agree more! Not to mention- you can get your ladies in on it with you! OR Ladies- you can get your men to do these with YOU- either way... DO IT!

1. GO NUTS! Here are some really awesome healthy snacks that you can easily make- or convince your woman to make for you! Here are some tasty protein snacks too!
3. Get a GOOD night SLEEP- 7-9 hours boys!
4. Exercise Daily- this is for YOU- and for us! hehe
5. Super foods are called super foods for a reason! Shakeology is my hubby's favorite! MINE TOO!

Go over and check out for some more helpful info and snack ideas!

Want to join the Health Revolution?
Challenges Starting EVERY MONTH! Contact me for more info!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski