Thursday, September 22, 2016



I am so glad you stopped by.. but I MOVED! hehe

Go check me out at my NEW and IMPROVED SITE


Tuesday, September 6, 2016



Keep an eye out for the 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mens Health Month- Shout Out to the HEALTHY Men! And a Bigger Shout Out to the MEN that Choose to BECOME Healthy!

Well this is the MONTH to celebrate all the men out there, HAHA! You wish guys, were actually going to celebrate your health. Unless you’re a father, then well celebrate you- on June 19th! ;)

In all seriousness though do you men know how important it is for you to be healthy?

I personally know many men that *think* that they can eat how they want, drink how they want, sleep how they want, and NEVER have to go to the doctor... AHHHH this just makes me cringe lol Men, you are too hard headed! You need to be healthy for yourself, your women, and your families!

So here are some Rules to live by....
*Go home- work will always be there, don’t stress yourself out, when you need a break- take one!
*Eat fish, it’s a good source of protein, and your body needs those fatty acids and omega3s
*Turn the TV off and go have FUN in the SUN with FRIENDS. You need a social life to continue to expand your brain AND vitamin D is good for you! 
*And for the love of God, get your prostate checked- cancer is NO JOKE!

Here are some AWESOME tips that sent over for me to share and I couldn't agree more! Not to mention- you can get your ladies in on it with you! OR Ladies- you can get your men to do these with YOU- either way... DO IT!

1. GO NUTS! Here are some really awesome healthy snacks that you can easily make- or convince your woman to make for you! Here are some tasty protein snacks too!
3. Get a GOOD night SLEEP- 7-9 hours boys!
4. Exercise Daily- this is for YOU- and for us! hehe
5. Super foods are called super foods for a reason! Shakeology is my hubby's favorite! MINE TOO!

Go over and check out for some more helpful info and snack ideas!

Want to join the Health Revolution?
Challenges Starting EVERY MONTH! Contact me for more info!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How To Lose Weight - After Baby Body: FREE LEGGINGS!

Losing Weight After Baby! Max Out in May!

Ok I need to be honest...

I was never proud of this pic until I got pregnant. Ya see, sometimes when your on a journey with health and fitness you can't actually see the results your getting. Even if you lose inches and the scale moves it's almost as if your blind to how your body actually looks.
These pics were taken 7 days apart. The left is day 1 doing the program Insanity Max:30 and the right is day 7 into the program. In those 7 days (working out to the program- 30 minutes a day, and following the meal guide, along with drinking my Shakeology daily) I lost 6 pounds and 3 inches in my waist. Looking back now... That is freakin amazing! Lol but then I was blind.

So with that being said... Let's celebrate that success I had THIS MONTH! smile emoticon This is one of my absolute favorite programs, yes it's intense but the workouts are short and honestly, QUICK.

So to celebrate- EVERY person that orders Insanity Max:30 Challenge pack Before my DUE DATE: May 10th

Gets a gift!! What's in the gift!?
FREE High Quality Leggings (I'll send you print options! 😍)
& samples of the Performance Line Supplements!! 

Email me at
or find me on FB and message me! 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Meal Planning & Prepping for YOU and Your Family FREEZER MEALS


Time to PREP FOR SUCCESS! And for your FAMILY! :) 

So every once in a while I like to do a MAJOR Frozen Meal Prep for my family, especially in the Summer, and well now that our new baby is due any time- I wanted to make it so meals were SIMPLE. Grab them out the fridge and throw them into the oven. SIMPLE. No thought at all. PLUS they are much HEALTHIER & CHEAPER to make them yourself then to buy them at the store or order in take out.

Here are some of the meals I made recently with the recipes- Grocery List, and How I prep them. I keep all of the meals as simple as possible and make AT LEAST 2 of every meal for the freezer.  You can also make these meals as healthy as you like, and choose what ingredients are in what to best fit your families preferences. I rarely follow recipes now, I like to play with the ingredients to try new things now too!

This last prep I made 12 Meals- I was prepared to make 20-30 meals but the little one only allowed me so much time in the kitchen! But Now I have enough stuff to do another big prep soon! 

If you have any questions at all, or want help with creating your own feel free to email me at This is something I really enjoy doing! 

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Updates: Hammer and Chisel Release and MORE!

Hello December! 

This is a HUGE month!

Today is the first day of my Meal Prep Madness group!! This is a free 5 Day Meal Prep group! If you would like to join pleas email me with your Name and Email address to be added! 
 But here is the assignment for the day anyways!! :) 

The next BIG thing is Hammer and Chisel was released today!! And we have some really awesome stuff going on with that. 

They say "think globally, act locally." That's we are doing at Beachbody HQ. It starts today. For every 1,000 units of The Master's Hammer & Chisel sold in December we will donate to Upward Bound House and get an entire homeless family off the street! We will be writing our first check on Wednesday to get a family into a home for a year ASAP! That's what the‪#‎BeachbodyMastersMiracle‬ is all about. (From Carl Daikeler Founder and CEO of Beachbody)

And I have a HUGE Get Ahead of the holidays Challenge STARTING MONDAY!!!!
Here are some results from Hammer and Chisel thus far! I cannot wait to see yours!
To order Click Here--->>   OR

FINALLY!!!! The BIGGEST announcement of the day! :) the Elite Dynasty is hosting its FIRST EVER New Coach Academy: Project Design Freedom, where YOU will learn what it takes to be a coach, get fit and healthy, and also pass along what you learn while growing your own business! You will be getting ahead of the game and learn everything you need to know BEFORE our BUSY season! Are you ready???? 
Send to friend that might be interested! If your nervous or unsure, message me, I am HAPPY to answer any and all questions. 😃😃😃

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Friday, August 21, 2015

Becoming my BEST ME- MIND. BODY. SOUL. Transformation

I woke up this morning so happy and proud.


Because I am FINALLY ready to start taking people in for my next challenge. I talked a little bit about it before...
It's called-- Becoming My BEST ME.

I am so passionate about this challenge because it's less challenge and more heart- desire- and most of all finding who you truly are and what you really want to be.
In this group you will also learn how to live the life you DREAM about. We will be covering all areas of life.


I am so excited to take a journey I have NEVER taken with some ladies that are ready to dream big and find who they really are and want to be.

This has become one of my big passion projects. I really hope you want to take my hand and join me in Becoming my Best Me.

To be added or to get your questions answered email me at

OR drop your email in the COMMENTS. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

TAG your friends who you think would benefit from this as well!
#becomingmybestme #mindbodysoul
IG: @StephanieLapinski