Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Free Summer Slim Down Challenge! && Winner from FREE Shirt drawing!

Winner for the FREE Shirt (on blog) is Valerie from Minnesota! 

Valerie has tried the programs Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, P90x, and T25! Valerie, has commited to the Beachbody Challenge and had gotten GREAT results!


June is coming up QUICK! For my next Challenge Group, Starting June 1st, I'm giving you an extra incentive to get inshape for the summer!

The first 5 ladies that commit with a Focus T25 Challenge Pack will get a $20 VS gift card from me to go towards your new swim suit when you get your results! AND not only that, but the ladies that hit ONE of their goals (that we create together) will get a 2nd $20 VS Gift card!!! Not that you need an extra reason to get a new swimming suit, BUT it's an extra push from me for YOU to COMMIT to getting fit!

My T25 Challenge Group starts June 1st! So you have one week to order, But once these cards are gone, they're gone! #FreeGiftCard #SummerSlimDown

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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