Wednesday, November 5, 2014

New Mommy Moments- Losing Weight After Baby

Hello Ladies && gentleman...?..!!

I first wanted to take a second and say I am sorry for not updating everyone last week on how everything has been going,  I have had a TOUGH week/ week and a half. 

Here is a little back ground on my life for new readers. 

My name is Stephanie Lapinski, I am a Beachbody Fitness and Health Coach. I am married to an amazingly supportive man, Jesse, who works VERY hard for our family. We have 3 kids, a daughter Jade (adopted) age 14, a son Payton (step) age 8, and a newborn baby girl Larae, who is six weeks old. Together we live in a small town in Minnesota. I have been a Beachbody Coach for a little over a year, and THANK GOD I found Beachbody, because it helped us conceive our baby girl after trying for a year and a half. When I say Beachbody helped us, its because I changed my lifestyle completely, ate clean, started to workout, and drank Shakeology DAILY.  Not only has my life changed, but my family is leading a healthier more fulfilling life, and I LUCKILY have been trusted to help others change their lives as well, along with finding my DREAM job, and being able to DESIGN a life that I want to live. 

So although I have kids, I am NEW to this whole newborn mommy business. It has been a trip! I have never felt so many different emotions in my life! I could literally sit and stare at her all day long! But I have to admit, as BEAUTIFUL as this experience has been, full of snuggles, love, little baby smiles, and toots, it has been so HARD! 
I have been struggling. She will not latch (still trying), and hasn't since birth, so I have been pumping to feed her. SO my life has been feeding her, changing her diaper, rocking/bouncing/swaying her to sleep, pumping, and then getting stuff done (which leaves little time) or resting in between, then it starts all over.  I am a health and fitness coach, so I have gotten right back to work, helping my challengers & clients, along with starting my own weight loss after baby transformation. 

As a new mom you have NO time, and I'm sure everyone is different, but I have had NO time to myself. This little tooter sleeps in our bed with us, depends on me to eat, depends on me to snuggle and put her to bed, she even takes baths with me because its more soothing & relaxing for her.  So I have been having a hard time getting my healthy meals made and prepped for easy access, and have STRUGGLED with getting my workouts in. 
So what I have been doing is when she falls asleep I try to get as much house work done as possible, and the next round of sleeping after our routine (feed, change diaper, put to sleep, pump) I try to get my butt down to the kitchen to cook up a 5 pound bag of chicken, and a 1 pound thing of turkey burger, and cook up 3 pounds of broccoli, asparagus, and green peppers (my faves!). I precook all of this and put it in big containers so when I am hungry I can quickly go into the kitchen, grab my 21 Day Fix portion control cups, and scoop the food out and on to my plate to heat up.  Now I must say that I am very fortunate to have the family that I do, they are all very helpful. Once my daughter comes home from school if Larae (daughter, newborn) is sleeping or HAPPY, I have Jade (daughter,14) watch her so I can get my workout in. If I cant I try to get it in after my husband gets home, which is usually late (after 8pm) because he picks up side jobs when he can. He owns his own construction/remodeling business.  YES there are many days that I don't get a workout in, and YES there are days that I don't eat the best. I am a woman, I crave carbs.  So if you find you are STRUGGLING- Email me, message me, FB me, hit me up on IG. Anytime you are having a hard time feel free to come to me because #TheStruggleIsReal and what kind of woman would I be if I wasn't here for YOU! Weather your a new mom, a college student, single mom, married, you work full time, no matter what your situation is, we all have similar problems, or struggles and we need to stick together to help BUILD and LIFT EACH OTHER UP! :) 

My contact info is below!

**My Meals on a typical day: (I usually eat the same things because its easier)

Breakfast: 2 eggs, and 1 piece of Ezekiel toast
Lunch: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology with water
Snack: Salad with Spinach, Chicken and Pico de gayo
Dinner: Typically something with chicken or Turkey burger, veggies, and potatoes.

**I try to get in at least 80oz of water.
**Workout Currently is the 21 Day Fix


I completed my FIRST round of the 21 Day Fix. Here are my Results thus far!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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