Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Weight Loss After Baby- 21 Day Fix Style

Look who just turned 2 Months old!?! 

I cannot believe how fast time flies!  Being a mom is a trip, being a mom to a brand new baby is even crazier. So many emotions,  prayers, and dirty laundry (LOL). 

To say I lost my (body) confidence after I had Larae would be an understatement, I can honestly say that the way your stomach, boobs, and butt look after having a baby is NOTHING like you could ever imagine. I mean yes, many ladies told me that its nothing you could ever imagine, but you don't know until it happens to you.  Luckily, I haven't had to deal with the lack of confidence for too long, NOPE my body is not at my GOAL, but it is much better than I thought it would be at 8 weeks postpartum!!

I have officially lost 36 pounds, and my sweet little one is only 2 months old! 36lbs in two months!?!?! CRAZYYY!   

Whats my secret?? Ill tell you!

I have been working out, and using portion control with the 21 Day Fix program, and drinking Shakeology DAILY.  My workouts are only 30 minutes long, sometimes 60 if I decide to do a double day. I have never felt so much confidence in my life! Before I had Larae I was working out and drinking Shakeology, and I lost 18 lbs, yes it was hard and it took time. I also had energy then. This time however, I have felt more tired (up all night, feeding pumping, taking care of a screaming baby) and drained then I ever have before, and to say that I was able to LOSE 36 POUNDS in 2 months is soooooooooooooo rewarding!! I am so proud of myself and am only 4 pounds away from my pre baby weight! 

In fact I feel SOOOOOO good that I decided to hold another challenge, that same one that has been helping me, so I can help some more ladies feel like I do!!! SO message me, email me (lapinski.steph@gmail.com), FB me, find me on IG. Do what you can to reach me and get information to GET FIT BEFORE SPRING!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephlapinski
     Pintrest: www.pintrest.com/stephlapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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