Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Goal Setting and REACHING!

I know it has been a few days since I have posted, but I took some time to focus on personal goals and what I really want to do for others.

After starting the book PUSH by Chalene Johnson I have learned so much! And cannot wait to share them with you. I HIGHLY recommend this book. Even if you are in great shape already it is amazing.
When you are faced with challenging decisions it is important to come up with your Priorities (also discussed in the book Push) My Priorities statement that has ALREADY CHANGED MY LIFE is...
My number one priority is to be actively involved in my families lives. To be a strong and confident role model to my children and to always be at my husbands side, and strengthen our relationship when ever we can. Always put my husband and children needs first and to only do things that will benefit our family, environment, and the people I touch with my words, and support. 

So far I have learned that the only way you can reach your goals is by setting goals that PUSH you to the next level. Here are some AWESOME goals I have set for myself that will not only benefit me, but my family, my business, and the people that want support in their weight-loss journey. These goals were based off of my priority statement.

1. I will weigh 135lbs by July 6th 2013 and drop down to 20% body fat by June 18th
2. I will learn more about health and fitness so I can better support the people I work with and motivate to reach their personal health goals.
3. We will become debt Free THIS year.
4. We will pay off BOTH of our vehicles THIS year.
5. I will eat clean at LEAST two meals a day, and prepare clean meals for my family to improve over all health. By doing this I will learn new recipes and support growth in trying new things. 
6. I will go out of my way to help other better themselves, by supporting them through their weight-loss journey and support them by giving them positive feedback that will PUSH them to the next level in determining their self control when eating. 
7. I will work out everyday and show everyone that you can do what you set your mind to.
8. I will further my education and get my BA in Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle coaching. Proving that I am dedicated to helping people achieve their goals and dreams. 
9. I will become a Diamond by the end of the year.
10. I will go to summit next June. 

These may sound like outrageous goals, but by breaking each one down will really get me there! Now it is your turn to set some CRAZY/AMAZING/FAR OUT goals for yourself! Share them with me and I can give you tips on how to reach them! 

Here is something called my PUSH goal Straight out of the book PUSH by Chalene Johnson

While eating clean and exercising daily I will get into the best shape of my life, reach my weight-loss goal and grow my fitness and health business to help others do the same with their fitness goals. I will mentor and encourage growth and learn and change things in my life to help others lead more healthy and fulfilling lives. 

Stephanie Lapinski
651-503-7823 text/call

Monday, May 20, 2013

Join my challenge group, what is there to lose but weight?

The Get Fit For Summer Challenge starts Monday May 27th!! You can join at any time and every one who does join the group gets a FREE goodie bag/ thank you from ME! 

What is a Beachbody Challenge Pack & what does it include?

1. A 30 Day Supply of Shakeology 
2. Your choice of a complete workout program
3. 30 Day Trial of the Beachbody Club Membership (includes meal planning and recipe ideas set to your needs)
4. Eligibility to join one of my PRIVATE/SUCESSFUL Facebook Challenge Groups. (A group of 5-20 people that are starting out with a new program and Shakeology and need that extra motivation and accountability.  You are surrounded by other like-minded people and I can guarantee you will see results from being in this group.  We share healthy new recipe ideas and meals that work for us as well, along with meeting new, great people!

How much does it cost?
The main benefit to ordering a Challenge Pack is you can save $50 plus when choosing this instead of ordering everything separately.  It is a proven fact that Fitness+Nutrition+Support= SUCCESS and that is what you get with a Challenge Pack.

Are these set prices?
The mainly stay the same, but they do discount these packages as well!  For March P90X, P90X 2, Hip Hop Abs and Slim in 6 they lowered the price for the month, so if something seems a little high for your budget right now, either check back to see if they will be discounted, or ask me for my special! :)

Contact me with question about it! There is nothing to lose but weight, and inches, and a lot to gain like confidence, energy, support, motivation, and great friends!

lapinski.steph@gmail.com / 651.503.7823

If you want to order now click the link and follow the directions..

1. look at the tabs up top, scroll your mouse over BEACHBODY CHALLENGE
3. Play with the tabs to choose the best program for you
4. click your choice and customize with your choice of Shakeology flavor.

Note: I highly suggest choosing HD which is home direct, it has FREE SHIPPING. This way you are locked into free shipping and it will automatically ship when you are close to running out. You can also cancel this at any time, but simply calling. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

DAY 30!!! 1/3 of the way through my challenge.

Good morning!

I have been a little hesitant to post my results for today my day 30!! This marks me being a a third of the way done with my challenge. You also have to remember in the first thirty day your are adjusting your eating habits and fitting workouts into your schedule. 

I LOST 10 INCHES!!!!! : ) of course like I said before you cannot rely on the scale, but I did loose 3lbs there too. Remember muscle weighs 4x more than fat. SO please step off your scale and measure yourself!

If you want results like mine or BETTER don't be afraid, contact me and we can talk about your hopes and dreams, AND you can join my challenge group! Everyone who joins gets a FREE goodie bag!

You can also TEXT or CALL me! 651.503.7823

Here are my measurements:

                  April 20, 2013
I cannot believe I lost 10.7% body fat!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Get Fit For Summer Challenge Group!!

Hey everyone!

Mark your calendars my Get Fit For Summer Challenge group starts Monday, May 27th!! If you are interested in learning more or joining me and some other AWESOME people, comment, or message me for more information!

Here are some of the different Challenge packs you can choose from!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 26

As I am approaching my day 30 "results" I have been getting very excited to pull out the scale (even though we know it lies sometimes) and my measuring tape, along with my camera. If I could see small changes on day 12 I am waiting to see what I will see on Sunday! 


This is something Page posted on our Facebook Challenge page. and it is so true!
Here is another example of why we need to throw out our scales or at least hide them from month to month lol! Ladies are you VICTIM to the scale?? We need to THROW those things out! They don't measure your health improvement, confidence level, pant size dropping, outlook on life, and most importantly your SELF WORTH. Jenna-Brooke Beachbody challenger and coach is PROOF of that with her 90 day Body Beast RESULTS! 
On the left 120lbs 25% body fat and on the right 127lbs with 15%body fat.

All of the stories I have read are so inspiring and pushing my further in changing my life. Something that I was faced with today was in a discussion post for school about high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a disease that is very common in our world today, it is when your heart is in overdrive trying to pump the blood through in excessive amounts. People that are at risk of high blood pressure are people who are over weight, smoke, drink, and do not eat a well balanced healthy diet. Now, there are many ways to reduce the risk getting on board and doing it is a whole different story. 

The book I recently got "Push" by Chalene Johnson is great for this. In the book she talk about how you have to have a strong foundation in order to succeed. I think this is so true. I would recommend this book to everyone! She walks you through the steps of changing your life and how to do it the right way, be successful, and continue to be successful for the rest of your life! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 25!

Good Morning!!

I am feeling so good today! Had a YUMMY Shakeology Shake for breakfast and about to get going cleaning the house for spring! : ) But I am  also feeling great for another reason. Over the weekend I got in some easy, but EXTREME workouts in. 

 On Sat. morning I burned 300 calories in just a half hour! and then after I got home my little guy and I went on a nice LONG walk.... and 8.5 mile walk! I am very sore, but it feels soo good! : ) I am really enjoying getting in-shape and working at my goals, Here are some pics from my weekend. : )

 My AWESOME new shoes!

 I am kicking myself for not starting sooner, but so glad I did start and how my body is changing ALREADY! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Here are some pics from the last few days. I have been VERY nervous to post these but am VERY proud of myself for feeling confident enough to post my results from JUST 12 DAYS into my challenge!

This is very inspiring for me! This is my NEW mindset!

AND now for some results!.....

One of my many healthy/ clean meals that I have been feeding my family. Stuffed Peppers! If you want my recipe you can email me. :)

And finally after drinking my AMAZING Shakeology shakes I have been feeling the best I have ever felt. **Hence feeling confidant enough to post my results THUS FAR**

Friday, May 3, 2013

WOW... Something to think about.?

This video has great information about Shakeology and what is in it! I am so glad I made the switch and decided to better myself, and my health! I can feel the difference in myself like the man and many others in this video.