Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 26

As I am approaching my day 30 "results" I have been getting very excited to pull out the scale (even though we know it lies sometimes) and my measuring tape, along with my camera. If I could see small changes on day 12 I am waiting to see what I will see on Sunday!

This is something Page posted on our Facebook Challenge page. and it is so true!
Here is another example of why we need to throw out our scales or at least hide them from month to month lol! Ladies are you VICTIM to the scale?? We need to THROW those things out! They don't measure your health improvement, confidence level, pant size dropping, outlook on life, and most importantly your SELF WORTH. Jenna-Brooke Beachbody challenger and coach is PROOF of that with her 90 day Body Beast RESULTS! 
On the left 120lbs 25% body fat and on the right 127lbs with 15%body fat.

All of the stories I have read are so inspiring and pushing my further in changing my life. Something that I was faced with today was in a discussion post for school about high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a disease that is very common in our world today, it is when your heart is in overdrive trying to pump the blood through in excessive amounts. People that are at risk of high blood pressure are people who are over weight, smoke, drink, and do not eat a well balanced healthy diet. Now, there are many ways to reduce the risk getting on board and doing it is a whole different story. 

The book I recently got "Push" by Chalene Johnson is great for this. In the book she talk about how you have to have a strong foundation in order to succeed. I think this is so true. I would recommend this book to everyone! She walks you through the steps of changing your life and how to do it the right way, be successful, and continue to be successful for the rest of your life! 

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