Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 48

Good Afternoon!

I am getting VERY excited because my day 60 is coming up here. I have been giving it my ALL and pushing through. I have only missed ONE day of working out since day 30. I have had more energy, ambition, and motivation then ever before!

**Some of the workouts I have been doing are:

*TurboFire, the ones I really like are the HIIT workouts! They are intense, but short so I feel like I didn't work out long enough so I usually do a core, or ab workout with them. I have also been getting to memorize the moves so I can tell that I am pushing harder and sweating more!

*Zumba, this one I feel like is my soul mate workout. I have been doing it for over a year, and I love the music, and shaking my hips. It feels more like dancing than working out, aside from all the sweat pouring out of me though! ;) 

*Walking, just since my day 30 have I started walking more, I have made the trip to Taylor's Falls from my house twice now, and will be doing it again on Friday. It is a 8.5 mile jaunt but it feels so good to take it slow, but feel the burn and the soreness later on. 1 mile equals 2,000 steps and acording to, about 10,000 steps is 
recommended to lose an average of one 

pound a week.. When walkinh that far I will

 lose about 2 pounds a week or more 

depending on how many times I walk that in a week, along with the workouts I am doing. 

You also have to factor in that 

when working out, eating 

right, and pushing to change 

your life for the better you are 

losing weight, but also gaining 

muscle and muscle is smaller 

than fat is. SO you need to pay 

attention to inches and how your clothes feel. 

My clothes right now are starting to get baggy on me!!! I am so happy about it too! : ) Here

 are some pic's from te last few days!

This is a YUMMY Turkey Burger with cooked mushrooms peppers and spinach on a pita pocket!

                                                                                                                    1/2 cup Cranberry 1/2 cup water
                                                                                                                    1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology!
My shot of Apple Cider Vinegar                        Ceasar Salad!
Water and a half banana bran muffin

AND every night before bed I have a hot Mint green tea with 1 TBS of Honey and 1.5 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar. : )

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