Friday, June 14, 2013

Surviving the weekend and Fat Flush

Good evening!!!!
Ok so it is Friday night, and I have just finished my homework. I had a salad with Grilled chicken for dinner, and have not had carbs in 10 days!!! I can tell that my body has needed to adjust to the change because I have been more tired, and irritable. BUT it is getting better, for me that hard part is making different things without getting bored. 
I have also started doing a fat flush yesterday and its going great! I have had a lot more energy today!! :) 
This is the fat flush along with the link!

Ultimate 10-Day Plan to Trim Fat for Good

Kim Lyon’s Ultimate 10-Day Plan to Trim Fat

Step 1: Flush Fat
To cleanse your system, Kim Lyons’ special 5-ingredient Fat Flush Water is simple to make and tastes great. Besides its main ingredient of water, the Fat Flush contains grapefruit that’s loaded with vitamin C to help your body turn fat into fuel. The tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, stabilizes blood sugar, and stimulates genes to burn fat. Cucumber helps you feel full and acts as a natural diuretic, which means less bloating and water retention. And lastly, it has peppermint, which is not only refreshing but also promotes better digestion and stomach calm. Make a big pitcher of Fat Flush Water every morning. The longer it sits, the better it will taste. Drink at least one 8 ounce glass three times a day before each meal for 10 days straight.

Fat Flush Water
Ingredients, per 1 pitcher

1 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves

Combine ingredients in a large pitcher.

Step 2: Choose Green Carbs Over Brown
It’s healthy to eat whole grain “brown” carbs, but to lose fat fast, get your carbs from green vegetables for 10 days. Verdant veggies such as spinach, broccoli, green beans, lettuce and zucchini are loaded with fiber, minerals and vitamins. Plus, they are very low on the glycemic index to help prevent mid-afternoon energy crashes. The options listed below mimic the grain dishes you crave most, such as rice, pasta and bread, so you stay full and satisfied longer.

Zucchini pasta: Using a vegetable peeler, cut the zucchini into lengthwise ribbons. Heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in pan, add zucchini ribbons and stir for 3 minutes until the zucchini turns translucent. Top with a healthy tomato sauce and enjoy.

Lettuce wraps: Swap your sandwich bread for lettuce leaves. Wrap around turkey slices, colorful cut-up veggies, etc.

Freekeh: This roasted green grain made from immature durum wheat is packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. Not only does freekeh contain 6 grams of fiber per serving, but it’s also low in carbs, high in fiber, has a low glycemic index and is rich in probiotic properties. Enjoy as a side dish instead of rice. Available at health food stores.

Step 3: Super Spice Your Protein
Mix up a delicious fat-burning rub containing three super spices that also add great flavor to your favorite protein dishes. This tasty mixture combines chili powder which fights fat with capsaicin, the substance that gives chili peppers their spicy kick. The turmeric contains curcumin to suppress the growth of fat tissue, and mustard seed is shown to speed up metabolism.
Spice Rub

Chili powder
Mustard Seeds

Mix up 2 tablespoons worth (equal parts of each spice) and rub all over lean protein, such as fish, chicken, tofu or bison. This spice rub will add lots of flavor and set your metabolism on fire. Enjoy for 10 days.

Step 4: Snack Skinny
Snack yourself skinny with Kim Lyons’ Cauliflower Popcorn. This tasty nosh is actually roasted cauliflower fashioned into “popcorn” bites. Cauliflower supports your liver’s cleansing abilities to help you lose weight faster. This snack also contains hemp seeds, which have protein. Eat twice a day to satisfy midmorning and late afternoon cravings. 

Cauliflower Popcorn

2 heads of cauliflower
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp hemp seeds
Pepper to taste

Cut up cauliflower into popcorn-size florets. Mix with some pepper, olive oil and hemp seeds. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 420 °F.

Also Here are some tips for staying strong over the weekend. Found on Web MD
  • Start your day out right. "Eat a healthy breakfast on the weekend, when you have more time," says Susan Moores, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "You usually eat less during the day if you start with a healthy breakfast, and you get some good nutrition."
  • Don't go hungry to "save up" for a big dinner out. "Saving yourself backfires -- you usually end up eating way more than you would have if you ate normally throughout the day," says Moores. "Have a little bite to eat before you go out to take the edge off your hunger, and then simply enjoy good food when you go out."
  • Savor the experience of dining out. "Allow yourself to enjoy good food and savor it, rather than overindulge in it," says Moores. "People forget what the whole eating experience is about -- sitting with friends, enjoying your time together, and relaxing."
  • Eat slowly. "It takes 15-20 minutes for your brain to signal your stomach that it's full, so take your time," Moores explains. "Whether you're at a party or eating out on the weekend, remember to slow down when you're eating."
  • Halve your restaurant entrees. "Splitting an entree with a friend is a great way to make a significant cut in calories on the weekend," says Moores."
  • Avoid overdoing it with alcohol. "If you can cut out one or two drinks per day on the weekend, that will save you 100 to 150-plus calories," says Moores. And, she explains, people who drink more tend to eat more as well. So drink alcohol with caution, if at all.
  • Find a substitute for soda. "Use water to satisfy thirst, rather than soda, which many people drink more of on the weekends," says Bryant. "Not only are they consuming a tremendous amount of calories, but soda is high in fructose, which stimulates the appetite."

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