Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

Meet Amy B.! She participated in The Beachbody 

Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for January 13th!

I stood 5 feet 4 inches tall. Wore a size 22. And tipped the scale at 245 pounds. Needless to say, I was very unhappy with the way I looked and felt. I had gained a lot of weight while pregnant with my last baby (who was born in July 2012) and could never lose it. I hated all of my "big" clothes, and all of my smaller clothes from a few years prior were hanging in my closet, staring me in the face. I was tired all the time, had no energy, and felt so incredibly guilty for not being more physically active with my children. I also wanted to have more vitality and sharpness for my job as an RN. I needed to make a change!

But like most people, getting started was my greatest challenge. I started out by drinking Shakeology daily, counting calories, and walking. After losing a pretty decent amount of weight over the course of a few months I finally decided to "push play" on the INSANITY DVDs that were gathering dust in my closet. But I got to say, my Beachbody Coach, Lisa Blythe, was instrumental in that decision. She convinced the skeptic in me that the INSANITY workouts had many benefits to offer if I would just try. So I did. And it forever changed my life. 

My body completely transformed during the program and I made huge gains on my Fit Tests. And even though I thought I was in pretty decent shape halfway through, little did I know how much I could improve as time marched on! Now I have strength and muscular definition that I have NEVER had before. My endurance and explosiveness are through the roof. And I perform my job as a registered nurse at a much higher caliber. I absolutely adore Shaun T. He is so motivational and earnest…he's just a great guy. I truly feel like he's a friend.

I love Shaun T's personality as well as the variety of exercises. The order of the DVDs also made a lot of sense and I loved the fact that I could track my progress via the Fit Tests. Even though I went from a size 22 to a 4 and lost 102 pounds, I'm most proud of the fact that I never missed ONE workout, even if I had already worked a 12-hour shift on my feet that day. I never paused the videos, even if I was dying. And I finished each and every workout, with less and less breaks, day after day after day. I am so grateful I bought this program; it was worth EVERY PENNY!

My Challenge Group was also key to my success because they kept me accountable by motivating me via my competitive nature and encouraged me to keep reaching for my goals. Plus I also wanted to stay on par with what others were doing. My Coach Lisa was beyond great and encouraged me on a daily basis. She offered suggestions, motivational words, and accountability. She was understanding and flexible, yet helped me keep my eyes on the prize so I wouldn't give up. We also shared recipes and tips, which were great resources for everyone.

Now that I'm 102 lbs. down, I sleep incredibly well and my energy level and drive are through the roof. I use my asthma inhaler a lot less these days and my knees don't hurt anymore! Today I am strong. I have confidence. And I plan on incorporating INSANITY workouts into my routine indefinitely. I will never give up these fitness gains! EVER!

Ready more at: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/message-boards/-/message_boards/message/340990739

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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