Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!

Transformation Tuesday!

Before Body Beast I was very unhealthy and unhappy! I was a heavy smoker and drinker and had suffered from severe depression and PTSD most of my life. I'd been through 9 surgeries in 8 years and was recently diagnosed with a rare and incurable brain disease that mimics a brain tumor. My doctor said the only way I'd go into remission was if I lost weight and became active. And if I didn't do those things, I could permanently go blind. 

Not only did I NOT want to lose my vision but my 8-year-old son has the development of a 6-month-old and the thought of not being able to care for him, or my other 3 kids, was absolutely terrifying! I knew I had to do something, but didn't know what. I tried everything under the sun, from cutting back to 800 calories a day, to HCG drops, to 2 hours of cardio 6 days a week on under 1,000 calories yet I was GAINING weight—so I gave up. 

But soon there after my husband stumbled upon a picture of an old high school friend who had just done Body Beast and his "Before" and "After" pictures were mind blowing! We wanted some of what he and his wife were having…and fast! He immediately became our Coach and our lives have never been the same. 

At first I was a little intimidated about weight lifting, but I did a lot of research and discovered that lifting has INCREDIBLE benefits for women. Plus I liked how Sagi explained everything so well through and I really loved the eye candy! But in all seriousness, I've fallen in love with weight lifting and love being able to challenge and push myself while trying to beat my personal best every single time! I love Body Beast and am in it for the long haul.

Right off the bat my husband and I joined a Challenge Group, which was great because it held us accountable and there was always tons of support, inspiration, and encouragement. And our Coach, Ray, was amazing! He gave me encouragement when I felt discouraged and offered great advice when I didn't know what I was doing. Both my Coach and my Challenge Group played a vital role in my (and our) success! Plus the calendar and the eating guide were both so helpful because they took the guesswork out of everything.

I also started drinking Shakeology, which I call my miracle in a bag! It really did stop my bad food cravings and I sleep so much better. I used to wake up every hour throughout the night and take naps during the day just to function. But now, I can concentrate better, my fingernails are growing for the first time since I was a kid, my hair isn't falling out in clumps anymore, and my immune system seems to be invincible!

I've also stopped having any symptoms of my Pseudotumor Cerebri (fake brain tumor) and no longer suffer from my daily headaches that were so bad that the sound of whispering from across the room made me cry in pain and the smallest amount of light would make my head feel like it was getting shattered against hard concrete. I no longer have ANY symptoms at all and have been weaned off the meds. AND, I'm no longer hypoglycemic.

In 90 days I lost 13.5 inches and 13.3% of my body fat! My hips went from 42 inches to 38, my waist shrunk from 40.5 inches to 33, and I lost an inch in my chest and my thighs. I never imagined I could lose so much when I first started. I also went from lifting 4 to 10 pound dumbbells to pumping 20 to 35 pounds of iron. 

Today I see the world so much differently and am more positive and likeable. I've even become a Beachbody Coach because I want to help others the way this program helped me. I really can't imagine life being any different than active and healthy, like it is now! I do not miss the person I once was and never want to see her again! I am so thankful that Beachbody found us and that we saw that picture of my husbands friend.

Read more at: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/message-boards/-/message_boards/message/341161529

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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