Monday, October 6, 2014

Bringing Home Baby! & My NEW Weight Loss Journey

On September 21st 2014 our lives changed! 
We couldnt have been more excited, our sweet little 
Larae Elise Lapinski was born at 10:35pm. 

This picture was taken 2 day before she was born, I was 39 weeks and 2 days when she was born.
So here is a small little tid bit about how labor went. I started having contractions at 6am that morning, the quickly went from 20 minutes apart to 10 minutes apart then to 7. So my husband Jesse and I got ready called the hospital and we were on our way in. When we go there I was admitted, and we walked around the hospital to waste time and to get through the contractions. Around 2 or 3pm is when they started to get stronger so I decided to get an epidural... That didn’t work, so they decided to move it. Nope, that didn’t work either. So I got an intrathecal. That worked great, but only lasted 2 hours, so by the time I could start to feel my contractions again and called the anesthesiologist back so I could get a second shot, I thought I was going to die. It was so painful! (I know I am a wimp!) 
***Props to all women who do it naturally!!***

Once I got the second intrathecal things started to move along, there was a moment where we thought we would have to do a C-section because her heart rate kept going up and down like crazy, and the had me on oxygen to help regulate it. Luckily my doctor knew how I felt about having a C-section and how I wanted to do skin to skin right away, so we didn’t have to go down that path. We then got closer to the 2-hour mark again and my doctor wanted to get her out so I wouldn’t need another shot (that would raise the risk of side effects for me). So we pushed things along and I finally dilated to a 10!!! Luckily I only pushed for about 10 minutes and this beautiful little girl arrived! 

After she was born we got her right on my chest, we waited until her umbilical cord stopped pulsating, and Jesse cut the cord! We also did skin to skin for a good hour- hour and a half before they took her to weigh her and measure her. She was 6lbs 2oz, and 18.5 inches long! 

Now time for my TRANSFORMATION!!!!!

When I walked into the hospital to have her I weighed 205lbs.... I know, how in the world did I let myself get that big, I gained 40 pounds on the dot. I know people do gain more, but coming from someone who is active, and knows how to eat healthy, how did I gain that much!?!? To be honest, I craved cereal and sweets 24-7, and I didn’t always hold back. It also didn’t help that I started this pregnancy bigger than I wanted to. Before we got pregnant with Larae, I had my second miscarriage, which was very hard on me and I really ate my feelings, we also found out it was going to be challenging to get pregnant because I had polycystic ovaries. Well, my doctor put me on metformin to help force ovulation, and BOOM two weeks later we were pregnant again! I then went in to the clinic right away and my doctor started me on progesterone (to help my placenta grow for the baby). So our journey has been a long one. Over all we tried for this little angel for over a year.
(photo props go to Cherise Kiel:

Larae is now two weeks and one day old, I have been cleared to start workingout slowly agian!!! 

Keep following for updates about being a new mom, my weightloss journey, health & fitness tips, along with motivation, support, and fun raffles and drawings!

Start weight: 205lbs   Current weight (2 weeks postpartum):187lbs

Here is to a new me!! :) 
You can join too!!!!
Starting a Weight Loss Challenge Group October 20th. Want in? Apply here:

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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