Monday, August 26, 2013

Motivation Monday!

Did you fall off the wagon a little bit this summer? Well now is the time to get back on and join the team! Fall is coming and we know what follows QUICKLY after fall, holidays, lots of them! We have Big holidays and little ones from Halloween to Valentines day, to Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

I remember EVER New Years Eve, year after year, my resolution, is to lose weight or get in shape, or even get healthier. I would start out strong, but after about 3 weeks in I would fall off or get lazy. Well, now that I have been doing it and successful at it for about 4 months, and I didn't do it from a New Years resolution this time, I did it for me. I feel confident in the idea of GETTING IT STARTED before THE HOLIDAYS and being successful so you can reach your goal weight, measurement, or you FEEL GOOD body BY New years!  SO you can wear that little black dress out ON New Years! You can walk into your family Christmas party and get all the compliments you have ever wanted. You can change YOUR life, AND others lives because you motivated them to do it too! 

SO, now that it is MONDAY, a new day, a new week, a fresh start. Are you committed?

Here are 5 SIMPLE things to do that will help you more than you thought!

1. Set your goals

2. Drink WATER, a lot more than you do!

3. Join a friend, or a challenge group so you have an accountability partner.

4. Share your goals, with your family, your friends, and even on your FB. This will help you stick to it.

5. Set your schedule! Workout at the SAME time everyday. Eat your meals at the same time everyday, eat snacks at the same time everyday! 


Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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