Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!

Good morning! 

Here is a great transformation to get you going through the holidays!!

This is Jennifer S.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
State: Pennsylvania
Primary Program: INSANITY®
Supplement: Shakeology®, P90X® Results and Recovery Formula, Performance Formula 

Jennifer S. Stats
Dress/Pants Size
Right Arm
Left Arm
Right Thigh
Left Thigh
Body Fat %

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Before P90X I had just become a mother for the third time in less than 3 years and just started settling into what my life had become, not having time for myself any longer and always putting my family and kids first. I worked full-time and traveled an excruciating amount and didn’t have time to take time out for myself. Like most mothers and wives my life revolved around my family first and well, one day I was going to have time for me.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?One day after my youngest child turned 9 months old I had one of those ah-hah moments when a friend of mine took a picture of me at a party and I was never ever in the pictures because I was the one always taking them and she posted it on facebook and the first thing I could think of was “Holy crap I am fat”. The next week I was talking to a coworker and was fixing my hair and had the most embarrassing moment when she said disclosed that she had seen my belly flop out from under my shirt when I was fixing my hair. It was the most HORRIFYING and EMBARRASSING moment I had ever had in my life. It literally sent me into tears. I never realized how much I had let myself go since having kids in such a short period of time since being married. Just 4 years prior I was a size 6 and 140 pounds and now I was a size 18 and 210 pounds and was being to worry about where I was going to be buying my clothes soon since they didn’t sell over a size 18 in the store I shopped in.

Tell us about the greatest challenge you faced. How did you overcome that challenge?
Truthfully, the biggest obstacle I had to face was not within myself, because I was fully committed to wanting to provide myself and my family the very best I could give them and guarantee that I would be here for them for a long time, but rather it was the lack of support from my family and friends around me who began to say I was obsessed about the way I looked and that I should be happy with the way I was because the people around me accepted me as such. Both my family and my husband's family do not make their health a priority in their life and no matter what I would say or do they just didn't get it. They couldn't see this was something I was doing for myself, not my friends or my family. I had to want it because no one else can make you want it. Their negativity actually just pushed me harder and made me want the change that much more.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody® program. What achievements are you proud of?
Oh my goodness, how hasn’t P90X changed my life?! I am such a happier, healthier, more confident woman, wife and mother now. P90X not only improved my health, it changed everything else in my life. I became more active with my children, my relationship with my husband improved because I had more self confidence and professional career improved because I now believed in myself . I now know I can do anything I put my mind too! I LOVE fitness, it is my drug and I cannot get enough! Yes, some people think I am crazy, but they just don’t understand. Once I had this new self feeling, I craved it, I wanted it more and more each and every day. I want every person around me to feel the same way I feel now because I know it can work for them. I have never in my life been this fit, this size and this healthy in my life, EVER! Some people say they want to look like they did back in High School, I say no way I want me now!!

Its NOT too late to start!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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