Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!

Hello! :) I hope your having a great day!! 

Meet Ashton M. 

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Primary Program: INSANITY®

Supplement: other, Shakeology®, Whey Protein Powder,

 P90X® Results and Recovery Formula 


Ashton M.  Lost 87 LBS and 14.5" off her waist!
"Beachbody helped me save my life . . . I feel younger then I ever have! My energy and endurance skyrocketed and I feel like I can take on the world!"

My Stats
Dress/Pants Size189
Right Arm1411.5
Left Arm1411.5
Right Thigh2217
Left Thigh2217
Body Fat %4818
Blood Pressure0/0107/60

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? *
I was a young mom at the age of 17, with little emotional support I thought I needed to eat for 2 and I would easily go back to what I was before, WRONG. After one I figured it didn’t matter what I ate because I couldn’t get back to my weight then, why now. Let’s just say I could not “stomach” the way I looked. My life felt grounded with asthma, fast food and being lazy. I hid from pictures and myself. My highest weight was 258 in nov of 2010 when I was pregnant with my son, never imagined in my life I would be there.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey? *I wanted to live again, I felt I was stuck behind a wall and couldn't free myself from the depression of looking and feeling the way I did. I was scared after having back surgery in Jan 2010 and gaining weight from my latest pregnancy that I would again have back surgery in my 20's. I wanted my kids to look up to me and feel proud of me and be able to keep up with them. I wanted to be healthy, fit and better looking! My dad was a huge inspiration as well, his left ventricle artery was clogged 99% and had two stints placed. I was scared for him and he buckled down and did a 360 with his life! I knew if my dad could do this I could too!
Why did you choose this particular program? *I got Hip Hop abs in 2008 because of how fun it looked! I lost weight and loved it but set it aside! After my my pregnancy I started doing the hip hop abs and went from 238-210! My sister came to me and said she just ordered Insanity and I should check it out, I said... "Nah I like hip hop abs, I LOVE Shaun-T" She said "It's the same trainer." So I checked it out and was like, WOW that looks crazy but I will give it a try because Shaun-T is on it!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose? *Insanity was just straight to the point! The name truly fits the workouts perfectly. It was tough and if you can stick to insanity you can stick to anything. You truly need the mental will-power to push through the workouts! Shaun-T is such an amazing motivator!
Tell us about the greatest challenge you faced. How did you overcome that challenge? *I was so scared about my back. With how crazy the workouts were I was scared that I would mess it up again and have to have surgery again. I did what I could and was able to modify the jumps with leg raises and in flat black had to hold on to something. It was truly a struggle starting at 210lbs on insanity and sticking to it. The first week I got out of bed and had to slowly walk to my living room just to do my workout, the results drink would have been nice to know about at that time. I was also blessed with knee problems, I've taken Glucosamine and cherry juice as needed which has helped!

Join my 21 day challenge group before its too late! Starts December 1st!!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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