Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Transformation Tuesaday!

Good Morning! 
This is Shannon H.

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I was always in "ok" shape up until I had my 3 boys within 3 years!! I gained 40 lbs with each pregnancy and each time it became harder to lose! By my 3rd pregnancy, I was exhausted!! Chasing around 2 little ones was difficult enough, but the extra weight made moving around almost impossible! I had hip pain, low back pain, poor posture, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel in my hands, migraines, no energy etc etc!!!! By the time I had my 3rd baby, I was ready to take action! I was NOT ok with living my life this way.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?

My biggest inspiration was of course my children! 3 boys under that age of 3 will keep you on your toes and I knew I needed to be in great shape if I wanted to keep up! They deserve the best version of me every day and I knew I needed to do something wth myself! My brother was also doing P90X and posting videos on FB about his journey. His commitment and vulnerability made me take notice and recognized that this was something I could do too!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
The greatest challenge I faced was making time to exercise!! I had no idea how I was going to fit in exercise with 3 little ones at home! Since all I had to do was pop in a DVD, I started exercising during "nap' time, but then nap time came to a halt for my Toddler. So by the 3rd month of my transformation, I became the person who would sleep in their workout clothes in order to wake up early and get it done!! Now I truly enjoy making it the very first thing I do in the morning! My Coach Stephanie and the other Challegers in my group all motivated one another to MAKE the time and make it a priority! Just having a place to "put it out there" that I was going to get up early and workout, held me accountable to do it! By the second month of Insanity, I was hosting my own Challenge Groups and that's when I REALLY put in the hard work! Once you commit to something and ask others to follow your lead, it's almost like you HAVE to do it!

Why did you choose this particular program?
6 weeks after baby #3 I did Insanity, then Les Mills Combat, and just most recently finished Focus T25. And let me tell you, my body has completely changed and I have never looked or felt better in my life! It's hard to believe that you can make such a significant change in your body in 10 weeks, 25 minutes a day. When I started T25 I had no weight left to lose, but I wanted to tone up and THAT I DID!! 3 inches off my waist and hips and .5 in off my arms. And I am stronger and more energetic than I have ever been! Even I can't believe what I look like just 1 year after having baby #3. I am so glad I took that before pic just 6 weeks after having a baby. If I didn't have the side by side comparison pic, I wouldn't believe how much I've changed.

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
25 minutes a day gave me no room to make excuses not to get it done! Also, the RESULTS!! Seriously, my abs look better now than BEFORE I had 3 children!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I lost 3 inches off my waist, 3 off my hips, 3 off my thighs and .5 off my arms. Did not lose any weight, but I had none to lose. My main goal was to tone up and gain lean muscle and that I did! I am proud that I completed the entire program and I'm proud of my after pic.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
My life is amazing now. It always was before, but now it's EVEN BETTER! No more migraines, I eat healthier, I have more confidence, I'm much more positive and I attract positive people into my life. Once you start working to improve yourself, the rewards come to you in numerous ways. And Inspiring others to get healthy is the best reward of all. I am constantly getting compliments and people asking me how I can help them. It's the best feeling.

How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I am now hosting my own groups, so just Coaching others keeps me in check. I don't want to ask my challengers to do something I'm not willing to do myself. On the days I don't feel like exercising, I see my challengers' posts and I don't want to let them or myself down, so I make it happen!

Want to join the Beachbody Challenge? 

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Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephlapinski
Pintrest: www.pintrest.com/stephlapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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