Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!

     Good morning!
This is Mary L. She lost 56lbs!!!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Before I started my weight loss journey, I felt unhealthy and out of control. I was spending most of my evenings and weekends in front of a TV, movie screen, or computer. I was eating out for dinner almost every night, and my choices were not healthy. I felt "pretty" but never felt good about how I looked. I would look at other women who were "normal" sizes and think that they were only that way because of their genetics and that I would not ever be able to look like them. Even after starting to lose weight, I still felt flabby, tired, and deprived as I cut calories.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
One morning I woke up and decided I was going to change! I was inspired every day to "push play" and motivated by the Decide. Commit. Succeed. tagline on the Beachbody workouts!!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge was having enough energy to keep up with my kids, who are 12 and 2. My son is especially active, and requires constant attention and chasing. He loves the outdoors, but I never had enough energy or motivation to take him outside. Now I am the one in the family asking to do outdoor activities like walks and bike rides! Because of the workouts and the nutrition programs, including Shakeology, I feel like I have the energy and the strength to do anything! I feel younger, stronger, and so much healthier. I actually feel like an athlete when I am keeping up with Shawn T in even the most intense workouts!

Why did you choose this particular program?
I first chose 10 Minute Trainer because of an infomercial I saw while traveling for work. At the time, I was doing mostly walking and running on a treadmill, and I was looking for a workout to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. The 10 Minute Trainer promised an intense workout that I could fit in during short breaks in my work day. I quickly mastered that program and started to see the results. My body was building muscles and was transforming! At the beginning of June 2013, I found out a friend of mine was a Beachbody coach and was starting an Insanity program with a meal plan and Shakeology program. I had always been intimidated by those intense programs, but because she was going to be there with me for the journey, I decided to give it a try!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
Insanity was amazing. It was very challenging, but that is exactly what my body and my mind needed. I was intimidated at first, but Shawn T kept me coming back for more. I saw my numbers improving at every fit test. I felt my body changing in ways I never thought possible. The weight was falling off, and most importantly I felt fantastic! I didn't need any fancy equipment and could do the program anywhere. And I did! I took the DVDs with me on business trips, family vacations, and even camping! I would set up in hotel fitness rooms and even outside and let anyone join me that wanted to. Shawn T is incredibly motivating and fun, and everyone who tried the workouts with me got the challenge of a lifetime!

Read more at: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/message-boards/-/message_boards/message/353639717

Want results like Mary? Now is the time you can! 
INSANITY Challenge starts 3/6/14

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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