Wednesday, April 17, 2013

About Me

Hello everybody!

My name is Stephanie Lapinski, and I wanted to say thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog! This is my very first blog and I feel like this is the best thing to blog about. Before I go into that i'll give you a little background about me. I got married September 29th, 2012, to a wonderful man name Jesse and we have two beautiful children. I am currently going to school for Early Childhood Education (graduate in June 2013) and from there will be going for my BA in Elementary Education. 
When life is busy, your working full time, going to school full time, and taking care of your family life get crazy so it is very easy to lose track of your self and especially your weight. I have always been a pretty active person, but in high school I focused more on school, and friends than I did sports and health. So it is okay to say I have struggled with my weight since high school. I have been trying to find a way to EASILY lose weight. Little did I know, losing weight is NOT easy. I feel like I have tried everything, from microwave meals, to Herbalife, and I just could not lose the weight. Before my wedding in September I decided I needed to start working out and eating right?  Before the wedding I lost 15 pounds, doing Zumba which was awesome, BUT after the wedding I gave up on trying and fell right back into my old routine. I ended up gaining all of the 15 pounds back and here I am. EXCEPT this time I have found Beachbody, and Shakeology. SO I wanted to start this blog so I can keep track of everything I am doing, and let other know how its going. I will put before, during, and after pictures up, and I will also keep you all updated on what I am eating, drinking, and doing for workouts. I am currently doing a challenge with my challenge I got the TurboFire program along with Shakeology. Stay tuned to see my progress, and if you have any question feel free to contact me!

                                                               Contact Info:

                                                          Stephanie Lapinski
                                                Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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