Thursday, April 25, 2013


Ok now that I have taken you through a week, and I feel confident in my schedule I am going to take a step back and only post a couple times a week. I am finding it is hard to work full time, do homework, have kids, and a hubby, along with working out and doing a blog daily. Ufda! That's a lot to keep up with. 

Today has been a great day!

Woke up at 6am...

Did my TurboFire 45 EZ and sweated my butt off! 

Had my Shake... Greenberry Shakeology mix with 1/2 cup of cranberry juice, 1/2 cup of water and ice blended. This shake went down in a make of 10 minutes it was so good! : )

Working now, and heading off to Zumba at 5:40 to get my Shake on! : ) 

Hope everyone is having a great day! 

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