Monday, April 22, 2013

The Start!

The start of my journey!

Friday, April 19th: 

I received my TurboFire and my Shakeology in the mail! So excited to start my Journey!

Started the "New to class" disk of TurboFire! What a workout! feeling great! 

Saturday, April 20th:

Woke up at 7:30 made my shake! Receipe: one scoop of the Shakeology GreenBerry mix, one cup of unseetened tea, and one cup of mixed red berries, blended with ice. Tasted so good!

Went to Zumba at 8:00am- 9:00am

Sunday, April 21st:

This is going to be my day of rest! You always need a rest day so I am choosing SUNDAYS!

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