Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!

Here is a P90x Transformation, to get you in P90x3 MODE, P90x3 is coming out today!!

Meet Mellissa A. She is 21, from Ontario, she used P90x and Shakeology to get into the BEST shape of her Life. She not only 
6 inches, BUT she also LOST 77lbs  !

My Stats
Dress/Pants Size206
Right Arm1611.2
Left Arm1611.2
Right Thigh25.522
Left Thigh2622.2

 Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? *
For as long as I can remember I’ve always had weight issues. Back in grade six is when I became really self-conscious about it. For years I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, I would always wear oversized sweaters all year around, no matter how hot it was outside. In jr high I remember always feeling like the outcast because I was always bigger than the other girls. I went through a stressful time in school and my way of dealing with it was to go home and eat. I decided to home school during high school, I was depressed and lost in every way possible. Food became my best friend. By the end of high school I was barely 5ft tall, weighed 210lbs and in a size 20 jeans. I was severely depressed and never felt so awful and embarrassed. I would find any excuse possible to avoid leaving my house and going out in public. I had absolutely no motivation to do anything and some days I couldn’t even manage to get out of bed.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey? *I first heard about P90X when I was at my lowest point in life. I was in such a dark place, depressed and questioning life and then I heard about this 90 day workout program. I felt this spark that I had never felt before. After doing some research, I knew right away that this was going to save my life. I was ready to take on this huge change and challenge in my life. It was basically do or die for me because if I hadn’t decided to change my life I wouldn’t of made it into my 20’s.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge? *My biggest challenge before I started P90X was my lack of motivation to do anything. Some days I felt so awful that I couldn't even get out of bed. I was severely depressed and never felt so awful and embarrassed. I even felt like I was an embarrassment to my own family. I would find any excuse possible to avoid leaving my house and going out in public, so being home schooled was the best excuse. As I started noticing results from the workouts, I was able to slowly make better food choices and drink more water because I was determined to get the best results possible. I was highly motivated once I started to notice a different in the way I felt, seeing changes in my body and how my clothes fit differently.. eventually my 'fat' clothes didn't fit anymore!
Why did you choose this particular program? *I chose P90X because I wanted to really challenge myself. I wanted to feel alive again for the first time in years. I was inspired by all the people who stuck with it and because of their determination and motivation, they got the results that they wanted! I knew it would be the most challenging thing that I had done in my life but I knew I could do it. At first I could barely manage to get through an entire workout video. I would have to pause it, sit down to catch my breath, and ask myself if I really wanted this. The answer was always YES, so I got up, pressed play again and did the best that I could being over 210lbs. Eventually it started getting easier each day and before I knew it I was able to finish an entire workout!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose? *I loved that P90X was a challenge and completely out of my comfort zone. Everything was new to me, especially using weights. Being able to follow along with Tony and the other cast members, seeing their determination and great form was very motivating and inspiring. When I first started P90X I could barely make it through the warm up!! I would have to pause it to be able to catch my breath but I knew if I just 'pressed play' everyday that it would get easier. Being shown how to modify the moves that I had trouble with at first helped me get through the first couple of weeks until I got stronger.
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of? *My life has changed drastically since I started P90X. I started at over 210lbs and barely 5ft tall. I would look in the mirror everyday in disgust, I hated every single part of my body. I have lost 77lbs so far. Not only did I lose weight, but at the same time I gained muscle definition, motivation, confidence, mental clarity and self love. For the first time in my entire life I can finally say that I am truly happy. I took charge of my life and was able to overcome every obstacle that I was dealing with like severe depression and anxiety. For the first time in my life I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I cant even begin to thank Tony Horton and Beachbody enough for saving my life.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program? *I still cant believe how much my life has changed! My eating habits have changed drastically. I now eat clean, lots of fruits and vegetables, no dairy, very little lean meats, and I drink at least 8 cups of water a day and I replaced one meal per day with Shakeology. Im so proud of myself for changing my life around at such a young age. I love the small things like being able to walk and not have to stop to catch my breath, not having to worry about my thighs rubbing together so severely that they would almost bleed. Im in the best shape of my life, the happiest I've ever been and in the process of changing my life around I found a passion for health and fitness.

See more about Mellissas transformation & others at: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/success/-/user-story/240142309

Want P90x3? CLICK HERE

Order by December 15th to get it in time for Christmas!

Have Questions? Email me: Lapinski.steph@gmail.com

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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