Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Workout Wednesday!

Recently I had a conversation with an advisor from my school that really opened my eyes. Because I am going for a Health and Fitness major we often talk about his healthy eating and workout habits. He has to be care about what he eats now, and cannot over do workouts because he has had a surgery. He has in a sense "cheated" death two times in his life. While we were talking the other day I asked about how it’s going, and he said "I haven’t been doing my executive workout lately" (that’s what he calls it when he goes to the gym with his wife). So I naturally, as a fitness and health advocate, asked why not!? And this is the part that really caught my attention, and got me thinking. He said, He almost feels invincible; he has almost died twice in his life, and doesn’t feel like he really needs to change anything because if he were supposed to die, he would have already. Now I know it sounds completely crazy! (Sorry if you’re reading this Eric!) But it’s true. If you have been living your life how you wanted, gained weight, who doesn’t right, and then had to have a serious surgery, almost died, but made it through, would you change your lifestyle? Yea, the doctors and EVERYONE around you tell you that you HAVE to, but if you just "cheated" death, wouldn’t you feel more powerful? Well it sounds crazy, but if he does, I am willing to BET that others out there do too. I never thought about this before, and very glad I got to speak to him and really listen and understand how he feels. When you feel invincible you are not going to change because you’re NOT willing to. You may for a short time because the people around you want you too, but it will not last. It is very similar to having an addiction. Someone with an addiction will not seek help unless THEY want it. Same with a healthy lifestyle, it is a CHANGE of your entire LIFE. You have to WANT it, to actually go for it and CHANGE. 
SO today I am posting some motivation, and some easy workouts to follow. I would also like to hear what others have to say about this post today, do you relate to this guy that I speak to? Or do you have a rebuttle??? 

 My workout accoutability Photo: My mom wanted to join in, so we did the Cardio one. Looks like today might be a double day! :) :) :) I love feeling this good! lol But as you can see by my moms face lol it is WORK! haha! Goof!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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