Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Workout Wednesday!

Looking for motivation? Did you watch the Victoria Secrets fashion show last night? I noticed some people were hatin' on the girls in the show because they show too much or they are too thin. Anything they could think to critique they would. This is what I want to say to those people...
Why dont you take what they are doing and look at it like it is them giving you (as a woman) motivation, support, inspiration, and really are helping to push women to be HAPPY and COMFORTABLE in their OWN SKIN. How many of you ARE happy and confident in your skin? If your not, why aren't you? WHY dont you want to be comfortable in your own skin? 
Are you scared? 
Do you think that YOU could NEVER look like those models? 
Are you afraid to start something, because you will not finish it? 

^ Well guess what! I felt the SAME way YOU FEEL! But I jumed on board and have been WORKING my butt off! And I FEEL great! No, I do not look like these models.... yet. BUT thats not me, I am not a model, I want to be fit and happy and comfortable in my skin, so that I am CONFIDENT. And Guess what? Since I started my journey, I have become more confident, and happy, and I am getting more confortable in my skin. Have I failed? You bet I have. Did I quit? Hells yes, I have quit, many many times. BUT I DID NOT GIVE UP. I am still working at it and working HARD. Yes, my results are taking some time, but that because I am taking my time to really learn about health, and fitness. I am learning about the food, drinks, and vitamins I am putting into my body. I am changing my lifestyle, so I can HELP you FEEL CONFIDENT in YOUR skin. SO, do not feel bad or sad or depressed because of what you look like, do NOT compare yourself to those models on T.V. Instead look at them as a role model, if they can do it everyday, you can too. Set you mind to it and DO it. 
SO, with that being said, Start here.... Use these easy workouts as a guide to get you started. AND Always remember, I AM HERE FOR YOU. You do not have to be a client for me to help you, and guide you. Email me ( WHENEVER you want. I am here for you, because YOU are BEAUTIFUL.

REMEMBER Food is 80% of your results, working out is only 20%. Make sure you are eating right, and not over doing it. Get the Fit Pal app on your phone to track your daily intake!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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