Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!!

Andrea L.
LOST 75 LBS and dropped 5 dress sizes!

My Stats
Dress/Pants Size112
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? *I had always been somewhat in good shape through highschool staying very active dancing. I never payed attention to nutrition and never thought in a million years I would gain so much weight. After I got married at 21 yrs old my life began to really slow down and I definatly wasn't very active! I gained 20lbs within 9 months of being married! While pregnant with my second child I ate and ate and ate every kind of food whenever I felt like it. I gained 50 more pounds while pregnant! At my all time heaviest 193lbs, I was so ashamed and embarrassed to even go in public. I never wanted to look at myself and was just plain disgusted with myself. I needed a change and I was determined!
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey? *When I checked into the hospital to deliver my 2nd child, I weighed 193lbs. Depressing!! I started talking with one of my husbands friends, who also had just given birth just 2 days after me, and discovered she was a beachbody coach. She introduced me to 10 day Shakeology challenges and for once I was learning about nutrition. I was shocked to see I had lost 7lbs in just 10 days changing my diet! I ending up winning the challenge and that just changed my mind set 100% and I was on fire and so determined to keep going! I started using Shakeology and working out regulary at my local Ymca and lost 63lbs. I still wanted to tone up and feel even better so I took the next step and ordered Insanity and totally fell in love with how it made me feel inside and out! I lost another 10lbs and am now in the best shape of my life and at a healthy 118lbs!
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge? *At first, I had never been to a gym. I was terrified to workout in front of people. I was in a new town, new people, and I was so nervous! My biggest challenge was stepping out of the box and forcing myself to go. Many days I had my workout clothes on and I just couldn't get myself to walk out that door. I'm glad I finally worked up the courage because facing that fear helped me get to where I am today! During Insanity, the biggest challenge I had before starting was finding time to workout at home with my two young boys to take care of. I began waking up at 5am to workout before everyone got moving for the day. That was tough! But by the end my body naturally woke up and I was pumped for my workout!

Want to read more about her story? Click here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/success/-/user-story/266904716

Do you want results like Andrea? Join the challenge!

I got my workout in a little later this morning, but here is my accountability pic!! And YES I am VERY sore today! lol

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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