Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Workout Wednesday!

Well, here in Minnesota it is snowing VERY, VERY hard. 

So I thought it would be fun to get a workout in outside, and list different calories that are burned doing the daily winter activities!

Get Dressed, and get out!

The other thing you’ll want to remember when outside this winter is to dress appropriately. Minnesotans know how the temperature can fluctuate but it is extremely important to pay attention to the weather and dress accordingly.  There are a few basic guidelines to follow for winter exercise.
  • Dress in layers. You’ll want to start with a thin layer made out of a material that will draw sweat away from your body.  Then make sure to wear a thicker, heavier layer over that, and something that is water proof, like a winter jacket, and snowpants.
  • You need to be sure to have a good pair of gloves as well as a hat or headband. This will keep you safe from the cold. 
  • Be smart. If the temperature is below zero stay inside. Missing one workout won’t ruin your entire training plan. Choosing to run outside when there’s a -32 windchill doesn’t make you tough, it makes you irresponsible (and cold). Pay attention to the falling temperatures and know when to stay inside.
  • You also want to make sure you HAVE FUN! Just playing in the snow can be a big workout, so make sure you are enjoying burning those extra calories! 
What’s your favorite way to stay active during winter months?

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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