Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is Your HEART Healthy?

Heart Disease: Are you at risk?

  1. Click on 'heart disease' in the column on the left side of the page.
  2. Click the arrow at the bottom of the next yellow box that says 'Click on the arrow below to begin the questionnaire'. 
  3. Read my reflection, and then Comment below sharing about your own questionaire and things you can do to lower your risk! :)

When it comes to your health you want to make sure you are doing everything your need to do to make sure you will not put yourself at risk of disease. Heart disease is one the big ones that you can prevent. Preventative measures might include eating right; exercise, not smoking, and many other daily things people do everyday. You can also get screened and look in to your families health history.
Taking the heart disease questionnaire really opened my eyes to see how easy it really is to prevent hear disease from taking over my body. My level of risk for heart disease was “very much below average”, this made me very happy to see I am in fact doing some things right. Some things that I found I could change to prevent heart disease even further is, eat more fish, eat more carbs, eat more nuts, lose more weight (around 10-15 more pounds?) and maintain that weight, and eat more unsaturated fats. About a year ago I started to change my lifestyle to a healthier one, I started doing zumba 1-2 times a week, and counting calories. This helped me lose about 10 pounds, about six months ago I started to add in more ways to better my health. I started only eating organic food, and have now started to east gluten free and only grains. I also started working out daily for at least 30 minutes. The tips I was given after this questionnaire really matched up with what I am currently doing in my life now. I will continue to implement, and keep taking the questionnaire as I hit different goals I have set for myself so I can see my risk level go lower, and lower.
I have been doing a very good job working out, I workout for at least thirty minutes daily using my different at home workout programs. I do a variety, these include Focus T25, Turbo fire, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift and Body Beast. I make sure that I am not over doing it and if needed take a rest. I have also been implementing healthy food choices, organic food choices, and gluten free food choices into our house and have been cooking using these choices so I can not only better my health, but also my families health. I also like to teach my husband and my children about the importance of healthy eating and exercise.  Daily, and also eating healthier options.

When it comes to health I want to make sure I am doing everything I need to do to make sure I will not be at risk, especially for heart disease. Heart disease is one the big ones that you can prevent fairly easily. With my risk level I am confident that it will not go higher, but it will go even lover than what it is at. I am happy that my risk level is low, and that I am on the right track for lowering it even more. I know there are more things that I can be doing to lower my risk even more, but I think I am doing very good, and am on the right track. One thing I feel I may have a problem with is eating more fish. I do not like fish, and I find it very difficult to eat it. I will look into different options to replace having to eat more fish, or may find different recipes that will help me enjoy it more. I am very happy with my risk level for heart disease and am glad I am on the right track.

What is your risk level, and what can you do to lower your risk?

Do you want help to lower your risk of heart disease? Reach out to me, make me YOUR coach! We can lower your risk together! 
Next Challenge group begins November 11th 2013!

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Transformation Wednesday??? Yep it sure is!

I am so AMAZED by this awesome transformations!!!

This is Lacey F.

I’ve never been one to work out. Heck, I never even stepped foot in the gym. On top of that, my diet was horrendous. My husband and I would think nothing about eating fast food all the time, or gorging on pizza, or worse. I guess I didn’t think of myself as being overweight, but I was. 

Then one night after I has my second child, it hit me. I started crying and when my husband asked what was wrong, I told him that I just realized that I would never wear a bikini again. That was my turning point. I knew something had to change.

Luckily, my best friend had just started Turbo Fire and had INCREDIBLE results. I listened to her story and when I heard how happy she was, I knew that it was time. As a wife and a mother, I knew I had to make this a life-changer. Turbo Fire was going to be the difference.

And it was. From that first day on, I’ve slowly transformed into a new and improved ME, thanks to Chalene. Chalene Johnson is just an incredible person. She may not know me personally, but dang it, I feel like we’re BFFs with all the time we spend together in my living room.

When I finished Turbo Fire, I was ready for the next challenge. I had never worked with weights, but since I loved Chalene so much, I figured ChaLEAN Extreme was the perfect next step. Once again, she made the difference. She helped me with my form. She always seemed to know when I was slacking, so I would listen for her cues to recheck my posture or make sure I was doing the move correctly. It was like having a real life personal trainer. 

The best part was the results. I was shocked. I always wanted to have muscles and abs, and now I’ve GOT THEM! Once I was finished with ChaLEAN Extreme, I placed all my pictures side to side and I couldn’t believe the transformation. That was me.

I am like a brand new person. I’m happy, confident, and just loving life the way it should be. My marriage has turned completely around. For that, I’ve got to thank Chalene!

Retreived from:

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Monday, October 28, 2013

Motivation Monday


Here is a little motivation to help support the Brazil Butt Lift challenge group that starts today! :)

Good luck girls!! 

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Friday, October 25, 2013

Shakeology & Weight Loss

Good morning FRIENDS! 
I often times get asked, "Can I lose weight only drinking Shakeology?"   My amswer is YES, you can, BUT I do reccommend working out too. This is YOUR journey though, so you need to do what FEELS right for YOU. :) 

So here is a Shakeology transformation! :) 

Hilary M. lost 49 lbs by drinking Shakeology, and using the shakeology workouts. 

My Stats
Dress/Pants Size126

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?

I started at 180lbs in 2004 before having kids. I got as big as 225lbs in 2005 while pregnant with my first child. I thought, Well, I'm young, I can eat whatever I want, I'm pregnant I have an excuse, and I will just loose it again afterwords. I am a mother of 3 and with my youngest whom is now turning 2 in January. I did actually manage to loose most of my baby weight each time, but never all and each pregnancy just made me a little bigger and bigger until I finally was stuck after my 3rd baby at 185lbs. and couldn't loose much more on my own. I always felt fat, and ugly and unpretty and always compared myself to every other person out there and got depressed and fell into a downward spiral of unhealthy spurts of not eating to binging and feeling guilty and unhappy.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?My husband decided in Jan. 2011 to start loosing weight and joined a gym and committed himself to running, and working out and started getting smaller and smaller. He has also transformed from over 260lbs to 167lbs. :) Finally I was like, I am a swim instructor and am in the water everyday, I can workout too! So I started swimming and we both started eating healthier, drinking more water, and started loosing the weight. Then my coach Becky told me about Shakeology and we started with the cleanse and broke through our plateau. From there, we have continued to get healthier and more fit day by day! I have become a coach and inspired others as well and am excited to continue sharing our experience and the reality that everyone can live a healthy fit lifestyle!

You can get results like Hilary M.! 
I can help you, like her coach helped her!
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Good Morning!

Losing weight, getting toned, setting up a schedule, and actually sticking to it. These are all VERY hard, VERY big changes for the average woman. Here is a little inspiration to keep you going.

Dont give up! Little steps take you a long way. It is going to take TIME.  More than just a month, more than a few months, and it can even take more than a year. Just KEEP GOING, and WORKING AT IT.
Bombshell Dynasy Beachbody RESULTS!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Challenge groups change lives.

Today I made my first PROGRESS youtube video. 

As I was making it and looking through my photos I realized how much my life has changes since my first challenge group. I was so nervous, and afreaid at first. I didn't commit for months. 

If I would have looked at these pictures when I was FIRST approached I would have signed up in a heart beat. My life is BETTER. 

It is continually getting BETTER. I am HAPPIER, STRONGER, more CONFIDENT, than I ever have been in MY LIFE. 

Please watch my video and tell me, what is stopping you?

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!!

Check out this AMAZING Transformation!! :) 

Karen R. Lost 65 lbs!!!

And went down 11 dress sizes!!

CONGRATS to Karen! She did it using Turbofire and Shakeology! She also WON $1,000!!!

My Stats
Dress/Pants Size209
Right Arm1512
Left Arm1512
Right Thigh2723
Left Thigh2723
Blood Pressure134/90120/80

See more at:

Join the Beachbody team and get amazing support and RESULTS like these!! :)
Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski

Instagram: @stephanielapinski

Monday, October 21, 2013

Motivation Monday!!

Looking for motivation to get OUT from under that warm blanket?

Here are five tips:

Shift your thinking from the relaxation mode mentality to thinking like an athlete or someone that is physically active. This may sound like a big hard, but it’s not as big a leap as you think. Get a good book or some personal development to read or listen to that may help. Here is a great example: The Athlete's Way: Training Your Mind and Body to Experience the Joy of Exercise 
By Christopher Bergland 

Write your goal down and stick to them. If you don't write your goals down they will never happen. Set realistic goal and work every day to achieve that. If you need to write it on tag board and hang it somewhere that you can read it daily. Also another great way to stay accountable is by telling someone your goal.

Find a program that you love or enjoy and stick to it. Find your soul-mate workout. By soul mate I mean one that you will not get sick of and has many different workouts. If you need help finding it let me know.

Schedule when you are going to workout. If you don't schedule it you won't do it.  So make sure it is in your daily schedule, and that it is an important meeting with yourself that you CANNOT miss.

Surround yourself with positive people who have the similar goals as you. If you don't know anyone like that there is always support online. Why do you think BEACHBODY challenges are successful? Because of the support and love from coaches and challengers. So ask for help.
Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski