Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weight Loss Results!

These are AWESOME Results!   
Check out Jessica C.!!!
Jessica is also a Beachbody Coach and successfully made it through her own journey!

My Stats
Dress/Pants Size2411
Right Arm12.5
Left Arm12.5
Right Thigh22
Left Thigh22

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?*
I've always been the "big kid". Was teased growing up and developed horrible self esteem. This led to many attempts at fad diets, binge diets, VERY unhealthy and dangerous habits, and an overall bad relationship with food. In high school, I starved myself and played sports. It was not a good combination. I also suffered from horrible panic attacks and depression. After college I began gaining weight rapidly. Fast forward many years and my husband and I welcomed our first son. I was nearly 300 lbs the day I gave birth. I dropped back down to the 250's after but this was the heaviest I had EVER been. I was not confident in ANYTHING I wore. I hated pictures and was miserable. I was easily out of breath and as soon as my son started crawling, I had fears that I would be that mom that HAD to watch from the sidelines because I was too fat to get out and play with my kids. Something had to change. I did not want my son to grow up ashamed of me or worst, be ashamed of himself.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?*It was a combination of things really. My husband and I both knew we needed to make a change. We were so strict about what Parker ate as we didn't want him to grow up eating horrible junk food and being overweight. But we realized we had to do this by example or it wouldn't work. We wanted to be part of our son's life. We wanted to go sledding, run and play sports, play tag, and overall go out and PLAY while he was still young! I refused to let my son grow up learning bad habits and being unhappy with who he was. I had to change in order to be the example he truly needed.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?*The greatest challenge for me was not giving up. I had tried so many things before and gave up too easily. My husband helped push me as he was going through his journey at the same time. We did it as a team. We began changing our relationship with food and focusing on our nutrition. The change to our diet led us to shed some initial weight. I then began to incorporate running and P90x (strength days) to help boost my fitness. I didn't follow any particular program as I didn't want to push myself to a point where I would give up. Then came Les Mills Combat. I knew I liked MMA type workouts so I decided to give it a go. This was the BEST thing to happen to me. I had FUN with the workout AND got results! This led to trying T25 and eventually Ultimate Reset. I knew Reset would help me with some of the physical issues I was having with my body. I wanted help with something that traditional medicine was NOT fixing!
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?*I love exercise and vegetables now. I have such a positive outlook on life and I can keep up with my toddler! We run around the house chasing each other laughing the whole time. I can run in the hard and play with him or chase him around the house and not feel completely drained. I continually look for ways to continue on my journey. I am eating cleaner and teaching my son about eating healthy and staying active. I no longer have to take ANY medication. The doctors told me I would always have a panic disorder and would most likely need medication my whole life. Well, I haven't had a panic attack in 2 years! I have chronic arthritis and back problems that I was told I would need medication for as well and possibly surgery. Nope, completely alleviated! My back doctor was THRILLED!
More at: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/success/-/user-story/319671382Do you want results like Jessica? Join a challenge group! :)
Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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