Saturday, July 20, 2013

Book Club

Do you have goals, dream, desires, things you want to try, things you want but think that you could never reach them, try them do them, or accomplish them?

I sure did, until I read the book "Push by Chalene Johnson"  :) I have set up my goals, my dreams, and guess what!!!! I AM REACHING THEM!! SO I wanted to share with book with as many people as I could. AND I wanted to be the support you may need to get through it. 

I am starting a book club, this MONDAY the 22nd. I know short notice, but originally I started it with a couple close friends, but then people started asking me more, so I am hosting it online on Facebook. You are more than welcome to check the book out, you can google it, and then contact me if you want to join in on the fun of getting to our dreams.... fast. :)

Contact Info:
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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