Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Transformation Tuesday! :)

For today's transformation I am featuring myself. I want to talk about where I was, what made me change, and then how I have changed thus far.  I am going to start with my story...

Growing up I have never been in the best shape, but I was always active, I was in swimming, fast pitch softball, basketball, snowboarding and volleyball. When it came time for high school, I thought I was too cool for sports, AND wanted to get a job to have money and a car so I could hangout with my friends all the time. Of course in this time in my life I decide to go on birth control, the Depo shot, this and working at a coffee shop where you are always drinking amazingly good/ sugary/ fattening drinks, and pastries I ended up gaining over 35 pounds in a short three months time. When I finally noticed, I got off the Depo, but my struggle continued. Now, you would think this would crush someone of make them sad, or depressed about their weight. Not me, I have always been confident in my body and the way I looked, I guess you can say I embraced my curves and learned how to dress it so I still liked 'good'.  

Well my senior year of high school is when I met my now husband. SO at that time in my life I started wanting to get in shape, me and the coffee shop chick would watch what we ate, and workout together. I thought I lost a lot of weight, LOL, looking back now I think I just had a MAJOR confidence boost from my guy.  So we got serious, got a house, were 'nesting' and I continued to gain weight like so many do in new relationships, due to dating, and eating out, and staying in together. When Jesse asked me to marry him in December, 2011 I decided, ok I am going to get inshape for my wedding. I am going to look so good in my dream dress and I have time to get there. SO I started using MyFitPal, and doing zumba, counting calories, and eating, 'better'. I ended up losing 15 pounds, weighing 150lbs, and getting the dress of my dreams and marrying the love of my life on Sept. 29, 2012. BUT after the wedding, we were nesting again!

Me at my BIGGEST 168lbs :(
 So all of a sudden December (2012) rolled around, and I stepped on the scale and it said 168!!! HOLY SHIT, is what I thought! How did I gain all this weight back and more without realizing!?! I pulled out my measurements from before and the pics I had taken and felt TERRIBLE. I needed a QUICK and 'easy' fix. So a then friend introduced me to Herbalife. The shake that make you lose weight fast and easy all you do is drink two shakes a day. So I did, I started on it and got into it, not really liking the way the shakes tasted or mad me feel, I was having two shakes a day and only one meal. Well, not eating enough will get anyone sick, but for me I thought I was dying! (TMI) I didn't leave the toilet for 4 hours, which eventually lead to me passing out off the toilet, smashing my face on the tile floor, chipping my tooth, and almost breaking my nose. Thank god, after I came to, I quick cleaned myself up and ran to my bedroom, where I passed out right after I got on the bed again, and Jesse walked in the door and took care of me. I was sick for two more days, so weak I couldn't get out of bed, eat, or drink anything. After getting better I threw all the Herbalife stuff out. I also should note that Page, a friend, and my hairstylist, had told me about Shakology and the challenege groups before I started Herbalife, but I thought it was too expensive, and I HATED working out.  When I signed up for Herbalife, I felt so guilty and didn't want to tell Page because I really trusted her and I wanted to do what she had, but just couldn't 'afford' it. 

Then Jesse and I had found out we were pregnant, and of course VERY excited, but also aware of what could happen because we were not far along, about 5 days later we had miscarrage. Very upset, but optimistic, I decided to look at this as a sign, a sign that we were not ready yet and a sign that I needed to get healthy before I decided to grow a baby inside me.  So,  I called Page, I instantly signed up as a discount coach with a TurboFire challenge pack,that came with Shakeology too. I also got the book "Push" by Chalene Johnson, this was the moment I knew my life was changing. I was rocking my challenge, and was lining you my goals and dreams, and it clicked. I want to be a COACH. I want to help change other peoples lives and I want to help others better themselves in all the ways that I could. I quickly learned the business, got on all the team calls, watched the videos, and then started my first challenge group which people are still rockin it!! For the FIRST time in my life I feel like this is my DREAM job, and its not even really a job. I am loving what I am doing, I am helping others, I am an inspiration to others, I am getting into the best SHAPE and HEALTH of my life, and I am learning how to improve my families lives, but cooking clean meals for them too. Why wouldn't I want to share this!

Results so far....

 ^ 30 Days into my challenge! :)

 ^ July 2012  Right before Wedding                                                                         ^July 2013 Smaller now than at my wedding

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