Monday, July 29, 2013

Motivation MoNdaY!!

GOOD Morning! Sometimes it is hard to get moving in the morning, and feel motivated. Look at the day like it is new, fresh, and that YOU CAN do it! You can go the little extra mile, and YOU WILL feel good about it after you do! Patience is key to all success. KEEP GOING! Need help?  Scroll to the bottom of the page. :)

NEW Challenge starting AUGUST 5th!! Sign up ON/BEFORE Wednesday (July 31st) and you will get your challenge pack for the discount price of $180 instead of $205!!! 
What you get:
You get the workout program Focus T25 which comes with...
-9 DVD's 
-one special EXTRA DVD
-Strenght band
-Nutrition Guide
-Workout schedule
-Shakeology, which is the healthiest meal of the day. It provides you, you daily dose of dense nutrition in one shake. 
- Free online support
-Free coaching (from 2 coaches in this challenge!)
-Free goodie bag

Any questions? Contact me! I love to help others achieve there dreams!
Stephanie Lapinski
Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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