Monday, July 22, 2013

Motivation Monday!!!

Good morning!!! I am Officially on week TWO of my Focus T25 Challenge. I am feeling very good, but like all Mondays, I need a little motivation. :)

There are many different reasons people have to lose weight, get in shape, and even just get healthy. Now making the decision and finding your "why" is VERY important, BUT staying on track it the tricky part.  

Here are some tips on how to stay on track and make it through the weekend and use your NEW Monday as your jump-start!

1. Find your "why". Why do you want to lose weight, get in shape, get healthy? Is it for your man, woman, kids, family, or for yourself?

2. Sit down and set goals. Layout what you really want for yourself, and write them down. Don't just write them in a notebook though, write them on a large piece of paper and hang it where you can read it DAILY. 

 3. Find a group, or a fitness coach. If you surround yourself with people that have the same dream as you, and have similar goals. You are more likely to succeed if you have support and other like minded people on a similar journey. 

4. Reward yourself for successes. Make your goals reachable so you can cross them off, and celebrate them. For example, if you have a hard time staying persistent make it a goal to workout five days in a row. When you do that, cross it off and celebrate it! 

5.  Don't feel guilty! It is OK to have cheat days! Try not to have them very often, but it is OK to do it once in a while. When you do have a cheat day, enjoy it, but don't over do it. 


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