Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!

Here are 5 weight loss transformation tips that are essential for weight-loss
Number 1: Have Short Term Goals You Can Reach Quickly
Setting short term goals that are much easier to reach will help you gain confidence in yourself throughout your journey. For me it was setting what I wanted to reach by my day thirty in inches. 
Number 2: Keep a Food Journal and Look at Nutritional Facts
This is probably the most important tip that I could give you. About 80% of your success comes from eating right and know what you are putting in your body. I use the MyFitnessPal to track everything I eat and do for exercise. 
Number 3: Have a Strong Support System to Help You
No one can travel this journey alone so have someone that supports you whether it’s your spouse, friends, family, etc. You will need them to keep focused and get moral support  for those challenging days. I am a coach, but I also have a coach who along with my husband and cousin hold me accountable and were there when I needed them! 
Number 4: Don’t Get Complacent in your workouts, Change it up constantly.
It’s important to challenge your body when it gets used to a workout. For example, if you are using 30 lb weights and it’s too easy, increase the weight to make it more difficult. For me, my favorite workout is Zumba, but I have been getting used to it so I ave added in biking with my Turbofire and Zumba. 
Number 5: Don’t Beat Yourself up if you gain weight or have a bad day food wise
There are days when temptations get the best of you and you succumb to them. You feel really bad and get really discouraged. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. I have my husband hide my scale until my 30-60-90 day marks so that way I  see how I feel, how my clothes fit and how many inches I have lost. The scales is a big liar sometimes. ;)
If you want/ need support, make me your coach and we can work together to help reach your goals!

This is Page, MY coach. This is her weight loss transformation drinking Shakeology, Eating clean, and using the program Insanity, which is VERY similar to the Focus T25. I have a few spots open still for my challenge group starting July 8th. 

      Contact Info:

  Stephanie Lapinski
 Email: lapinski.steph@gmail.com
        Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephanielapinski12
           webpages: www.beachbodycoach.com/stephlapinski
               Instagram: @stephanielapinski

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