Wednesday, July 10, 2013

~Workout Wednesday~

Today I am going to talk about the workout program I have been using that has CHANGED MY LIFE thus far. 

This AMAZING program is what has helped me lose 14.5 + inches, and go from 38% body fat to ONLY 20% body fat!

This unique program, is an intense 90-day cardio conditioning program.
It will help you get leaner with exercises that burn up to 9x more fat and calories than regular cardio.

Getting started with TurboFire  as your workout is easy.
In the included Fire Starter Class, (beginner class)  Chalene Johnson shows you the right form for every move. To help you get up to speed, TurboFire also includes two low-impact (but intense) workouts. Then, it will keep you moving with more than 20 very cool music remixes through all 12 fat-sizzling classes.
She also uses the HIIT training which is High Intensity Interval Training called "Fire Drills". 
These drills not only push you to your max, but each "fire drill" is only up to a minute long in bursts and then gives you a quick recovery/rest. 

Studies show that HIIT ignites your metabolism, enabling your body to burn more calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.

You are ONE CLICK away from the rest of your life!

(From the TurboFire Site, not my clients)

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